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(under revision) 
All of LOGic's features -- Spotting, Awards Tracking, Info Center, Rig & Rotor control, Gray Line, QSL printing and management,  and  QSL Manager's database -- work together to make LOGic the DXer's dream.

When you log a station or see him in LOGic's spot log, you will know instantly if you need him on a particular band or mode. You can see at a glance his name and QTH , details of all your past QSOs,  if you have his QSL or are waiting for it. LOGic interfaces to the HB9BZA Logbook of the World database. See instantly if the station uses LoTW. If he does, you can expect a rapid confirmation.

LOGic features an Azimuthal-equidistant map centered on your QTH. It shows gray line, sun position, QTH of station being worked, and plots of worldwide spot activity. Zoomable for VHF work. Create map graphics to use with other programs.

The Gray Line report shows all DXCC countries that are on the gray line, and what is the best time to try to work them.

The QSLs Needed for Award report displays all QSOs for worked but unconfirmed entities. This shows you where to concentrate your efforts in re-sending QSLs. Many new LOGic customers are pleasantly surprised when they easily confirm several new countries without working through a single pileup.

The SubawardTM feature tracks QRP DXCC just as easily as regular DXCC.

Short and long beam headings are shown, as well as return headings, which permit you to tell the other station how to point his antenna towards you.

Control for up to four rotors, with automatic selecton and offset based on frequency. Band switch support is included.

The Units Conversion calculator allows you to converse with a DX station using terms that are familiar to him.  Tell him your temperature in Celsius or how far you are from a major city in Kilometers.

  • Complete QSLing and awards progress management.
  • Simultaneous spotting from web, TNC, and Telnet.
  • Long/short beam headings.
  • Automated rig and rotor control.
  • Band switch support.
  • Azimuthal-equidistant map
  • Gray line propagation chart--the useful gray line aid!
  • Units conversion calculator.
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