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(under revision) 

LOGic's awards progress tracking is absolutely unsurpassed.

Thanks to LOGic's user-defined fields, it can easily track any award.  Lists are provided for all popular awards so that the count  and list of worked/confirmed as well unworked entities is displayed.  You may create your own lists.  It is not necessary to create a list to track awards -- LOGic simply builds a list of entities as you work them.

All of LOGic's awards tracking facilities -- its several real-time displays and reports -- function exactly the same way regardless of which award you are tracking, be it DXCC or Worked All Podunk. Simply select the award and SubawardTM from a dropdown menu.

Awards progress displays for DXCC.

Paper chasers will appreciate LOGic's huge database of 1010, SMIRK, FIST, IOTA, CIA, USI, counties, etc., which may be kept up-to-date via the internet.

LOGic's exclusive Subawardtm feature makes tracking "combination" awards such as QRP DXCC, or 1010 WAS as easy as tracking "regular" awards. For instance, to set LOGic up to track progress for 1010 WAS, simply fill out LOGic's filter screen for State tracking to specify that the 1010 number field must be filled in. All of LOGic's progress tracking displays will track Subawards the same way the track "normal" awards.

For the VHF/UHFer, FFMA and  CQ Field are fully supported with no additional effort on your part.  Just log the Grid square as always. This is made possible by a new powerful feature in LOGic called Virtual Fields.

Those active in organizations such as 1010, SMIRK, OMISS, etc. will appreciate LOGic's Memberships Database.

LOGic also tracks awards in which points are assigned, such as FISTS and FISTS millionaire, which are essentially ongoing contests. Just log all contacts as usual, and if something is entered in the FISTS# field, points will be added to your score.

A Cards Needed report shows worked but unconfirmed QSOs for DXCC or other awards that would increase your totals if only you had the QSL. This report shows you where to concentrate your QSLing efforts. Confirm new ones without getting in a single pileup!

A QSL route database with 50,000+ entries and frequent free internet updates is provided.

Logbook of The World and eQSL are fully supported, with simple one-step upload and download/check-in of QSLs.

DXCC Challenge is supported.

  • Progress tracking for any award.
  • Superb spotting.
  • Subawardtm feature makes tracking awards like QRP DXCC or FISTS WAS as simple as "regular" awards.
  • QSL manager database facility features cross-reference listing, multiple routes for the same station. Displays all stations with the same manager, and all stations served by a manager. A 50,000+ route database included. Keep it current via the internet.
  • Logbook of the World and eQSL support. Store eQSL photos with your log.
  • QSLs Needed report optimizes your QSLing efforts.
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