Personal Database Applications
1323 Center Drive
Auburn, GA 30011
Office: 770-307-1511
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About Us
Everything you never wanted to know about Personal Database Applications
and weren't afraid to ask. Personal Database Applications was established in 1987 for the purpose of providing database applications for personal computers. LOGic, our comprehensive ham radio software package, was launched in 1989, after two years in development. Today, there are LOGic users in over 50 countries.

Our line of ham radio products has since expanded to include TRX-Manager, the ultimate remote control software package written by Laurent, F6DEX, as well as USB, RS232, and extension cables for radio to computer communications. We are dealers for Phil Whitehouse's W1GEE Products.

ham radio software and hardware at hosenose.comSome have wondered why our website's URL is It's simple. was already taken when we established our internet presence in the early 90s. seemed a mite wordy, so we settled on Hosenose is the elephant in our logo. Technically, hootowl is also part of our logo, but is a lot to type, and leaves too much room for misspelling. Therefore, Personal Database Applications is

Others may wonder why we chose an elephant and an owl for our logo; after all, a high tech company is usually represented by squiggles and squares. The answer is, we're not sure. It could be because the elephant is supposed to have a phenomenal memory and the owl looks smart, but it's probably because we found an elephant and owl to be more attractive than a squiggle and a square. Or maybe it's because one of our founders was born in Africa, where there are elephants and owls, reportedly. Skeptics may argue that someone who left Africa at six weeks of age would not remember seeing such African creatures, but one never knows. He may have seen an elephant and heard an owl while contemplating the African moon.

Though is geared primarily toward hams, we would be remiss to not let you know that we also offer custom programming services and web design and web hosting. We are experts in, SQL server, and custom eCommerce design and development. To learn more about these services, visit

Personal Database Applications is a family-held Georgia corporation. We are proud of the products and services we provide, and are big believers in tech support.
Personal Database Applications, Inc.
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