Ok, I had typed in a long response documenting the details of some the commands sent, but lost it before I got to post. I won't bore you with that anyway, but will summarize.
The K3 uses the TS-850 driver with a few minor changes. The basic stuff, setting VFOs, Mode, freq, etc is exactly the same as the 850 and probably all other Kenwoods for that matter. The differences for the K3 over the 850 are:
*When setting freq and mode, we set the freq first on the K3, as apparently the K3 remembers what mode was last used on a particular band and automatically sets the mode to that. Normally (for the 850 for instance), you set the mode first then the freq, as setting the mode may cause a small freq shift.
*Setting split. LOGic sends FT1; to set split and FR0; to cancel split. I thought that the K3 required that VFO 1 must be used for TX when in split mode, but looking at the documentation, I do not see that restriction. I do see that sending any FR command to set the receive mode cancels any split operation which is a little different.
Question -- does the Split command function properly aside from the crashing?Anyway, I don't see how the commands I send could cause crashing. I should be able to send War and Peace to it, and while the rig won't do what you want, it shouldn't crash.
I am pretty sure it is something with the MicroHam box. Correct me if I am wrong, but no one with other hardware has reported this level of grief? Is the MicroHam box operating as a simple level converter, or are they doing something with the commands going back and forth? Is there anything special I am supposed to be doing when talking thru this box?
Someone PLEASE check the device driver in Windows and see if the driver is indeed a standard FTDI. They may be using FTDI hardware, but using their own or a modified driver. I will post screen shots from a regular old FTDI converter here later for comparison.
Why is LOGic "causing" the crash when N1MM is not? Hard to say. We are using the .Net 4 drivers, they probably are not. We clear the rx buffer before sending a command so we know the state of things when the rig responds. N1MM may not be doing this.
Also, LOGic sends AI1; to the rig on startup to turn on auto information mode (rig sends info to LOGic when changing mode or freq). N1MM may not. There has been discussion on polling the K3 to avoid problems, but that does not turn off the AI1; feature.
Quote:following a thought from above I watched the "buttons" on the rig interface display as I tuned the K3 manually and while on 20M SSB I noticed the LSB and USB buttons activating as I tuned. I didn't cross any band segments or do anything else that should cause the buttons to activate.
That would indicate that the data the rig (or Microham) is sending as you tune is sending bad data. I assume the rig is not swapping from USB to LSB as you tune! Can you stop spinning the dial and get LOGic to show LSB on 20M?
Someone please try the Kenwood 850 driver, both the new and legacy. Some commands will not work, but it should read and set the rig. I want to see if the crashing goes away. The legacy 850 driver does not use the .Net framework BTW.
A POSSIBLE WORKAROUND/SOLUTION. Use OmniRig. A side bonus, you can access the rig with N1MM and LOGic simulatneously. Also, I would be happy to lend someone a regular old FTDI USB=>RS232 adapter to try.
More later.