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LOGic Main Screen. One of many possible configurations.

The bedrock of ham shack management is logging. We paid special attention to making LOGic's logging forms absolutely the best! Our unique forms provide two views of your data -- a row-and-column format for quickly viewing multiple QSOs (reminiscent of the old paper logbook), and a form window for viewing detailed QSO info. You may customize them to fit your logging needs.

LOGic's picture logging facility permits storage of any number of images with each QSO. Store SSTV pictures, eQSL cards, scans of your paper QSLs, etc. You may enter a caption for each picture.

Log anything you want by creating your own user-defined fields. Input fields may be simple text fields, numeric fields, or single or multiple-line boxes that scroll horizontally or vertically. You may enter a list of predefined values (the rig or antenna used to make the QSO for example), and the acceptable values appear in a dropdown menu on the log form. Yes/No fields such as YL are represented with a checkbox. The sizes of user-defined as well as normal fields may be changed by the user.

User-defined fields have all the functionality of normal fields -- you can search on them or use them for awards tracking.

You have complete control of the log form layout. Drag and drop fields to the desired location. Remove unwanted fields.

Quickly search your data using any field or combination thereof, regardless of how big your log is, using our easy fill-in-the-blank filter form.

You may open several log forms simultaneously. You could log a QSO in one form, while searching with another. Or have one log form for HF DXing and another customized form for VHF/UHF work.

When you log a station, information is automatically logged from your computer-interfaced rig, callbook databases, and previous QSOs. A separate window automatically displays all previous QSOs with that station, complete with QSL status for each QSO. Another window shows all memberships that a station holds--1010, smirk, FISTS, etc. An Info window shows the DXCC country, zones, UTC and local times, ARRL bureau status, and distance and direction to and from the DX station.

Of course DXCC and zones are logged automatically. LOGic also can log any item from previous QSOs with the same station (great for contest exchanges). Membership numbers (1010, SMIRK, etc. may also be logged automatically using LOGic's Memberships database. Name, address, grid square, county, etc. may be automatically logged from free and subscription web-based callbook databases, LOGic's built-in callbook database, and any of the popular CD-ROM callbooks. All available callbook databases are automatically searched until the call is found!

A variety of maps (gray line, political, and road maps) are available, as well as demographic and political information. Get real-time WX reports for yourself or the station you are in QSO with.

LOGic may be optimized for single or multiple monitors. Normally LOGic's windows are contained within the main LOGic application window. If you have multiple monitors, selected windows may be moved out of the LOGic application window and into the Windows desktop, where they may be placed in a second (or third or...!) monitor.

Further customize LOGic by choosing your favorite colors. Use your favorite photos for form backgrounds. Make your software uniquely yours! Transparent screens maximize screen space utilization and aesthetics.

Band & mode setup is fully customizable. Supports all bands & modes, including MARS. Set bands up for your license class, and you will be warned if you operate out of your allowed band segment.

Up to eight radios and four rotors may be controlled simultaneously.

Share data with other logging programs using the industry-standard ADIF format pioneered by Personal Database Applications. Also export in several other popular formats including Excel, MXL, CSV, and others for use in other applications. LOGic's generic import facility imports Excel and CSV log data that you entered in spreadsheets or generic database programs, or from older logging programs that do not support ADIF.

We provide free assistance in importing your log data to new customers.

LOGic is fully networkable and multi-user. Access your log from any computer on your LAN or VPN.

LOGic's logging facility fully integrates with its contesting system. Anything logged for a contest shows in the main logging facility for awards tracking and progress reporting.

  • Customize  log form layout.
  • User-defined fields.
  • Browse window shows QSOs in columnar format for fast, easy viewing.  Great for net operations.
  • Easy powerful search. Search on any field or combination of fields.
  • Search is extremely fast regardless of the size of your database.
  • Store unlimited notes with each QSO. Great for traffic handlers. Digital operators may store the entire QSO transcript.
  • Biographical info stores notes about a specific station in a central location.
  • Store unlimited pictures with each QSO -- SSTV, EQSL, QSL card scans....

  • Full control of fonts and colors. You may even use photos for the background of your forms.
  • Support for multiple monitors. Windows may be moved from LOGic's application window to be free-floating forms on the desktop.
  • Transparent forms.
  • Band & mode setup is fully customizable.
  • Multiple log forms may be open at once.
  • Auto display of previous QSOs with a station.
  • Auto logging of frequency, band, and mode from radio. Up to eight simultaneous radios are supported.
  • Auto logging of name, QTH, address, etc. from previous QSOs or callbook databases.
  • Flexible import and export features share data with other programs.
  • Auto display and logging of membership data (1010, SMIRK, FISTS, etc.).  May be auto-logged conditionally - logging 1010 only when operating 10 meters for example.
  • Customizable form color, or use any photo or graphic.
  • Fully networkable and multi-user.

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