Originally Posted by: WN4AZY He probably isn't referring to the prefilter, but the thing on the top right of the main spot page.
Jeff, what do you have typed in the filter field? Is CURRENT BAND checkmarked?
You can see the actual under-the-hood filter expression by holding the mouse pointer on top of the funnel. Does it change after you change the band on the radio?
Tnx & 73,
Dennis WN4AZY
Dennis. It's on the top left of the spots tab in my spot log (Has always been on the top left).
Yes it changes when I change bands when I hold the mouse pointer over the funnel. And the funnel changes from depressed (i.e., button pushed) to undepressed blue (button not pushed)
my filter: NOT 'FT'$COMMENT AND DXCC<>'K'
And current band is NOT checked