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60 meter band spots
#1 Posted : Saturday, August 27, 2016 7:27:27 PM(UTC)
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Recently, I've noticed more 60 meter spots coming across the node I telnet into. How can I get LOGic9 to have the band populate in the spot log? It's blank in the spot log but the freq comes through.

Vin, 73
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#2 Posted : Saturday, August 27, 2016 11:07:17 PM(UTC)

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Hi Vin,

It could be the band isn't displaying 60m because the frequency spotted isn't in the band table. You can navigate to the band table from the Spot Log window under the Options tab. Also possible some spotters aren't getting the frequency correct and so it wouldn't match what's in the band table either.

Hope that helps,

73,de Brad N8GLS
1 user thanked K8ZM for this useful post.
WN4AZY on 8/29/2016(UTC)
#3 Posted : Saturday, August 27, 2016 11:12:04 PM(UTC)

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Sorry, forgot to add that I think you can double left mouse click in the blank band field of the Spot Log and if the frequency isn't in the band table you'll get a pop-up saying exactly that....."the frequency isn't in the band table".

#4 Posted : Saturday, August 27, 2016 11:20:36 PM(UTC)

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HA, just found a spot from today on 60m where the band didn't display, double clicked the blank field and I did get a pop-up saying the frequency wasn't in the band table....and it also logged it....but try it anyways and just delete the newly logged spot. Sorry about that.

#5 Posted : Sunday, August 28, 2016 7:30:35 AM(UTC)
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Thanks Brad ! Next 60 m spot, I'll do that. I know we can't enter a range at this time for 60m but hopefully that will change in the near future.

Vin, 73
#6 Posted : Sunday, August 28, 2016 7:43:45 AM(UTC)

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You mean a range in the band table ?? If so I believe the Band table allows an upper and lower frequency limit with a center frequency. Its pretty much wide open as far as what could be entered.

I never really tried for anything on 60m, maybe I should pay more attention to the spots on that band.

73, Brad
#7 Posted : Sunday, August 28, 2016 8:59:56 AM(UTC)
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60 meters is a lot of fun. Everyone is limited to power output, like 30 meters, although some amps will do more than the allowed power on 30 but I don't know of any amps that will go on 60 meters.

There were many spots for CY9C on 60 meters with empty band in the spot log.

Just trying to tweak LOGic for myself BigGrin

Vin, 73
#8 Posted : Sunday, August 28, 2016 11:05:20 AM(UTC)

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Sadly, I only worked CY9C on a couple bands...never seem to get far enough down the honey-do list to get a weekend with more than a couple hours on the air, and work drives the weekdays into nights. Yes, well, tweaking LOGic is what its all about, its what makes this software so damn great, and not even close to anything else. Its why even though we get impatient sometimes with Dennis launching new features or "tweaking" old ones, how the heck can you go away to something else. We don't make it any better and sometimes make it so bad that Dennis can't even let out what he's working on cause we'll all badger the heck out of him asking when it will be done !! Software isn't easy to me, hardware is easy, you can see when its broke, hammer it back into shape, drown it in WD-40, and it works...HI HI.

Ok, well getting off subject....should be searching and pouncing!!

73, de Brad
#9 Posted : Sunday, August 28, 2016 1:58:16 PM(UTC)

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Did you turn spots on??

Click Tools>Setup>Bands

Now go to each 60m frequency and click "Process spots for this band?"

If "Disable this band" is checked be sure to uncheck.

You may need to setup "Specify which spots to mark as needed for each award."
1 user thanked wa4pgm for this useful post.
WN4AZY on 11/8/2018(UTC)
#10 Posted : Sunday, August 28, 2016 4:23:07 PM(UTC)

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I would say its processing spots for the band since the band field is blank but the frequency field is populated. If process spots for this band was not checked then the spot wouldn't display at all. Likely the frequency spotted is not in the band table either because the frequency spotted was incorrect, or, if correct, doesn't match any 60m frequency as listed in the table.

73, de Brad
#11 Posted : Sunday, August 28, 2016 8:24:40 PM(UTC)
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I think Brad is right. All of the 60 meter freq in Tools>Setup>Bands do not have "Disable this band" checked.

I get all the spots, just the band column in the Spot Log are blank. The frequencies show up, just the band is blank.


Brad: I, too, had a honey-do-list this weekend. My wife needed to go shopping so I told her I would watch our youngest child while she went out. I had him help me chase the CY9C by telling me when he saw "CY9C" show up on the spot log BigGrin
#12 Posted : Tuesday, August 30, 2016 1:50:29 AM(UTC)

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Vin....Good thing that wasn't a contest, your youngest would have put you into the "Assisted" category....hihi.

I didn't validate the frequencies in the band table for 60m. Mine is showing;

From - To Center Mode
5.3300 - 5.3310 5.3305 USB
5.3460 - 5.3470 5.3465 USB
5.3660 - 5.3670 5.3665 USB Note this should be 5.3565 - 5.3575 5.357 Center
5.3710 - 5.3720 5.3715 USB
5.4030 - 5.4040 5.4035 USB

I did look at my spot log and verified that when the frequency isn't in the band table, the band field is blank even though the frequency isn't.
Example 1, CY9C on 60m, 5.4035 (in the band table), both band and freq display in the spot log, VA3MJR on 60m, 5.3570 (NOT in the band table), Band field is blank but frequency field displays. So its functioning as it should.

All my 60m spots with a blank band are due to the freq spotted not being in the band table. I did find after reviewing 60m spots from the past 5 days that the band table needs to be revised for the change that occurred back in 2011 when the frequency 5368.0 kHz (carrier frequency 5366.5 kHz) was replaced by 5358.5 kHz (carrier frequency 5357.0 kHz).

All in all, about a third of my 60m spots with a blank band field were due to the change in carrier frequency (VA3MJR spot above is one of them). Another third were due to the spotter entering a channel frequency as opposed to a carrier frequency. And close to another third due to CW/Digital spots not having a "recognizable" frequency....Not sure what the correct frequency should be for those modes...anyone ?? The only sure thing is that right, wrong, or indifferent, none were in the band table.

So Vin, problem solved (hi hi)!!

73, de Brad

#13 Posted : Tuesday, August 30, 2016 5:47:34 AM(UTC)
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Brad : Would I be assisted or Multi- ingle? BigGrin

With your detailed explanation ThumpUp, I'm glad to see it's not only me. Sometimes I hesitate to post here because I have to make sure it's not something I'm doing wrong.

#14 Posted : Tuesday, August 30, 2016 8:07:15 PM(UTC)

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I wonder if we wouldn't be better off to enter a single band in the band table rather than 5 individual channels?

Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4aZY
#15 Posted : Wednesday, August 31, 2016 9:10:28 PM(UTC)
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I like that idea. BigGrin ThumpUp

#16 Posted : Wednesday, August 31, 2016 10:16:26 PM(UTC)

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Vin.....Multi-ingle ThumpUp

Dennis, I thought that as well after I looked at all the spots and saw how many different frequencies people are spotting for 5 channels. Apparently tougher than one would think. Even ARRL mentioned it was "confusing". So if we're voting, I give a ThumpUp for the simpler band table.

Vin, you gotta post even if your wrong....of course for me i'm always right (RollEyes .... I've certainly posted my fair share of senior moments, what the heck, if for nothing else if someone gets a good laugh over it its still a good thing !! My last one with Dennis and the subscriber issue I was having with QRZ and the callbook.....Dennis probably still laughing on that one !!

Brad, N8GLS
#17 Posted : Thursday, September 1, 2016 6:00:37 AM(UTC)
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OK Brad...you opened that door...get ready for some senior moments BigGrin

#18 Posted : Thursday, September 1, 2016 10:49:55 PM(UTC)

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Actually its a good thing to do. Someone will benefit from most any issue your having, even if self-inflicted. Even the juniors have a senior moment...hi hi, but, at the end of the day its what keeps LOGic alive. Not good if we just sit and "listen"....that's why 2m VHF and above is so dead....everybody is just listening.

73, Brad

#19 Posted : Tuesday, November 6, 2018 6:18:42 PM(UTC)
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Hello All,

I read all the posts in this thread and tried everything that was suggested, with no luck.

When I go to 60 meters, the readout in LOGic shows the last frequency the radio was on. For example, if my last QSO was on 15 meters, LOGic shows 21.074000. LOGic will not show any of the allocated 60 meter channels for the USA, the readout in LOGic will read 21.074000, not the 60 meter freq the radio is on.

The CAT System is still flashing on my FT-1000D so I know LOGic is tracking the radio but the readout is not showing the correct frequency.

If I go to Tools > Turn on or Reset radio & rotor interface, LOGic will quickly flash the 60 meter frequency and then it resorts back to 21.074000.

If I manually enter the 60 meter frequency from the touch pad on the FT-1000D, LOGic will show the correct 5 MHz frequency.

Lastly, the Band field in the main log window doesn't change to 60 meters if I log a QSO on 60 meters, I have to manually change it to 60M.

Any ideas what is going on? I'm running 9.1.38. I don't recall having this issue with 9.1.37.

File Attachment(s):
Spot log missing 60M band.JPG (40kb) downloaded 35 time(s).
#20 Posted : Tuesday, November 6, 2018 9:47:54 PM(UTC)

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Hi Vin,

I can't answer to your issue of the 60m frequency not displaying in Logic's rig window. I tried mine and just dialed the rig down in frequency from 40m to 60m and LOGic tracked with my rig just fine. Dennis or others will have to chime in on that one. I can answer as to why the 60m band is blank in the spot log. The spotted frequency isn't in the band table. See my old post #12, the band table, and note the following frequency range and center frequency change that changed back in 2011;

5.3660 5.3670 5.3665 (is incorrect and should be)
5.3565 5.3575 5.357

The spotted frequency of 5.357 in your example will then show the band as 60m.

I still think as Dennis suggested in post #13, "maybe we should make a single band instead of 5 channels...." is a good idea, maybe others can comment.

73, de Brad, N8GLS

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