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Logging QSO then up arrow locks in callbook screen
#1 Posted : Wednesday, November 25, 2015 4:36:47 PM(UTC)

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This is strange....

I just tried to log a QSO and used the up arrow key function to grab all the data before logging the contact, LOGic immediately jumps to the callbook screen and sticks in the lookup field. Moving the mouse to the logform window and trying to click in any field does nothing except toggle back to the callbook window where it keeps putting the call in the lookup field. The only way to get out this "sticky" situation (hi hi) is to undo the qso. I haven't used the up arrow function for quite some time so don't know when this got broke.


Thanks, de Brad N8GLS
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#2 Posted : Tuesday, December 1, 2015 11:41:50 PM(UTC)

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Further to this anomaly, after adding the new QSO then hitting the up arrow key, when it "sticks" in the callbook lookup field, the callbook window cant be closed. Hitting any other radio button just keeps toggling to the callbook lookup window and re-re-entering the new callsign. The only out is via the "undo" button in the log window.

Anyone ever see this before ?? I'll try closing other windows and rig interfaces to see if anything is related and report back.

73, de Brad N8GLS
#3 Posted : Wednesday, December 2, 2015 9:41:33 AM(UTC)

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The above only happens when the Callbook window is open on the screen and the automatic callbook lookup feature is activated (from the callbook tab in the logform setup screen).

Scenario #2; If I close the callbook window (leaving the auto callbook look-up activated) then add a new QSO and up arrow, the callbook window opens and displays the callbook data for that call, and, magically the logform works just fine, nothing "sticks". But that only works once, i.e., if I then enter a new QSO and up arrow again (callbook window still open) then it reverts back to being stuck in the callbook windows lookup field with Undo being the only way out.

Scenario #3; If I clear the automatic callbook lookup checkbox in Logform setup, then enter a new qso and up arrow, the curser now gets stuck in the logform Call field, I cant mouse to any other field, but I can click on the radio buttons, hitting Undo is the only way out.

Hope this helps to debug...de Brad N8GLS

#4 Posted : Thursday, December 3, 2015 1:57:11 PM(UTC)

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Hi Brad:

Thanks for documenting this so well. Unfortunately I have yet to research it, but here is the first thing that comes to mind: I think we've run into this before.

QRZ.COM (NOT the subscription) pops up the callbook window so you can see the associated advertisement, then waits for you to click the RETURN FROM AD button.

I recommend not using QRZ.COM. It is problematic in more ways than one. Either get the QRZ subscription, or use the free hamqth.com. Both are designed for computer interface.

I'll research this further.

Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY
#5 Posted : Thursday, December 3, 2015 3:01:28 PM(UTC)

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Thanks for that. I am a QRZ subscriber so I enabled QRZ Subscription in callbook setup and disabled QRZ. As you suspected, the logform works fine now, no more "sticky" issue.

But, after enabling QRZ Subscription, the callbook window's web display is blank and the only information displayed in the information window at the left is callsign, name, and country. Show pics and bio are enabled. Did I need to enable something else ?? Don't need a quick response, this isn't a show stopping issue.


#6 Posted : Sunday, December 6, 2015 10:28:39 AM(UTC)

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It used to work. I dug into what QRZ is sending back, and I have been unable to retrieve bio, or even tell if there is bio.

All I can do for now is provide a link to the Bio page on QRZ.COM. That is what Fred is putting in the field that is supposed to contain info about whether bio exists and what size it is. I will contact him when I get a round tuit, but it's looking like the data is no longer available via XML.


#7 Posted : Sunday, December 6, 2015 2:07:52 PM(UTC)

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Ok...tnx for looking at it, or should I say thanks for doing it tuit. Seems you need a few more rounds for the other tuits.....I for one would be more than happy to buy you a few rounds.....

For now i'm just gonna revert back to using qrz.com as the callbook and avoid the up arrow.

73, Brad

#8 Posted : Monday, December 7, 2015 9:14:06 AM(UTC)

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Ok, you don't need to avoid the up-arrow button. Just click the Return From Ad button in the callbook window. At least it's working here. For now....
#9 Posted : Wednesday, August 17, 2016 11:37:45 PM(UTC)

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Hi Dennis,

Been going back to some old anomalies to see if by chance there may be a fix on the radar screen. This one pertained to having to hit the return from ad button in the callbook window for QRZ. This is somewhat tedious when your running a bunch of Q's....that extra keystroke consumes time, and if I forget its just more wasted keystrokes and time.

Thanks for listening!! de Brad N8GLS
#10 Posted : Friday, August 19, 2016 5:58:59 PM(UTC)

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I have to keep the Return from Ad button as per my agreement with QRZ.COM.

Get the QRZ subscription. No ads, MADE for programmatic access, so fast and reliable, and about 10 cents a day. Another option is the free HAMQTH.COM.

Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY
#11 Posted : Saturday, August 20, 2016 7:18:34 AM(UTC)

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I have the subscription but it doesn't work either, see post #5. There is no bio at all, its blank. The only thing showing in the left callbook window is name, call and country. No address, no grid, no county, no coordinates.....pretty much useless.

Attached are snippets of the callbook window with the subscription service enabled and the standard qrz "return from ad" window.

Any way to fix the subscription window ??

Thanks, de Brad, N8GLS
File Attachment(s):
QRZ-NoSubscription.JPG (102kb) downloaded 38 time(s).
QRZ-Subscription.JPG (51kb) downloaded 42 time(s).
#12 Posted : Monday, August 22, 2016 2:54:07 PM(UTC)

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Ok, I don't know what is going on. Mine looks nothing like yours. Call me and I can log in and take a look.

There is a problem getting the Bio info back. I think I am following the instructions, but maybe not. I'll call Fred about it. Worst case I can just put a link to the QRZ.COM page for everybody.

Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY

PS the red splotch in the screen shot is where your email address was.

File Attachment(s):
Capture.PNG (19kb) downloaded 47 time(s).
#13 Posted : Monday, August 22, 2016 5:55:37 PM(UTC)

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Tnx Dennis,

A stupid question, maybe, but......what level of "QRZ Subscriber" does one need to be ??
I have the basic subscription which gives me unlimited look-ups and zero advertising when logged in, but there is an XML level, apparently touted as "guaranteed to work with all logging software or your money back". I believe it also supports uploading to QRZ like LoTW, but don't really know. Is the XML level what's needed for the QRZ Subscription to work in LOGic??

Brad, N8GLS
#14 Posted : Monday, August 22, 2016 6:51:48 PM(UTC)

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Yeah, you need the XML version:

The first option here:


Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY
#15 Posted : Monday, August 22, 2016 9:32:45 PM(UTC)

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Ha.....had a hunch, proves the only stupid question is the one not asked...sorry it took me so long !!

Ok, so gave Fred some money for a decent dinner....hihi.

Maybe i'm doing something wrong but the subscription version is far worse to deal with than the non-subscription.

The upper callbook window displays all the station's info exactly the same as the non-subscription (except for the email addr).

The callbook web display doesn't display anything except a QRZ.com clickable icon, which when clicked on, launches a whole new IE window that takes me to qrz.com and displays the stations webpage. But performing another look-up requires you to close that window and then re-click the qrz.com icon all over again after the search is complete, i.e., the webpage doesn't follow the search look-up and has to be repeated for each and every search. The non-subscription displays the full webpage in the callbook window and follows whatever call I'm looking up without launching any other windows.....its all self contained in the callbook window.

Lastly the original "logging qso then up arrow locks in callbook screen" locks up the same way with the subscription version until you click Return from Ad.

I'm actually back using the non-subscription version and will avoid the up arrow in the logform window. The subscription version may be great for just looking at the upper callbook window info, but not having a "browser" in the callbook window that can follow the searches your doing is far to inefficient to be effective for me.

Brad, N8GLS

#16 Posted : Tuesday, August 23, 2016 10:59:50 AM(UTC)

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[quote=n8gls;6070]Ha.....had a hunch, proves the only stupid question is the one not asked...sorry it took me so long !!

Ok, so gave Fred some money for a decent dinner....hihi.

Maybe i'm doing something wrong but the subscription version is far worse to deal with than the non-subscription.

The upper callbook window displays all the station's info exactly the same as the non-subscription (except for the email addr).
Right -- I'm sure the web site and XML server are pulling from the same database. He just can't display the email address willy-nilly on a web site.

The callbook web display doesn't display anything except a QRZ.com clickable icon, which when clicked on, launches a whole new IE window that takes me to qrz.com and displays the stations webpage.
It displays the QRZ.COM link for everyone, and possibly other data. Look me up for instance.

But performing another look-up requires you to close that window and then re-click the qrz.com icon all over again after the search is complete, i.e., the webpage doesn't follow the search look-up and has to be repeated for each and every search. The non-subscription displays the full webpage in the callbook window and follows whatever call I'm looking up without launching any other windows.....its all self contained in the callbook window.
It is just a simple HTML link. You don't HAVE to close the window, but you will have a lot of open windows if you don't hihi. What I think I can do is put a new button on the form to open the station' qrz web page, and reuse the same browser for subsequent lookups. I could also open the QRZ page right in the callbook form. Thanks for the suggestion.

Lastly the original "logging qso then up arrow locks in callbook screen" locks up the same way with the subscription version until you click Return from Ad.
That is not happening here. Is the callbook window popping to the foreground when you do a lookup? If so, then you probably have the QRZ.COM web lookup enabled by mistake. Anyway, it's not supposed to do that with the subscription, and I have had no other complaints about it. If it's nothing obvious, call me and I will take a look and we will get to the bottom of it.

Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY
#17 Posted : Wednesday, August 24, 2016 7:55:55 PM(UTC)

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The way the callbook window works if a non-subscriber is ideal. The callbook browser is a winner, and being able to have it display the QRZ webpage as well as track with any callsign searched is, well, "Too Cool for the Room"!!! All this neat stuff happens within that window, no other windows, mouse clicks or navigation is required....its just the most efficient and actually genius on your part that it works this way.

The subscription version doesn't do this at all, you have to mouse click to do any search after the first and they subsequently launch all these windows clutering up my already stuffed screen, unless I close the first one, then, and again, mosuue click the QRZ.com to display the webpage for each and every lookup. So if I'm trying to work a contest (and trying to work it in SO2R mode) I don't have any screen area left, but even ignoring that, having to navigate and click through this is tedious to say the least. The non-subscription version is far superior.

See attached screen shots. The non-subscription.jpg shows the very nice and compact callbook window on the lower right with the callbook web browser displaying the W1AW QRZ webpage....nice !!!

The subscription.jpg shows the very large and screen consuming IE window right in the middle of my LOGic screen blocking everything, and it took a mouse click on the QRZ.com icon in the callbook browser window to even get that.....and every search will launch another IE window, and another......not so nice!!!!

So, yes, PLEASE make the subscription version look and function the same as the non-subscription version.

A million thanks for that !!

73, de Brad N8GLS
File Attachment(s):
Non-subscription.JPG (454kb) downloaded 36 time(s).
Subscription.JPG (348kb) downloaded 38 time(s).
#18 Posted : Thursday, August 25, 2016 11:26:10 AM(UTC)
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Hi Dennis and Brad,

I am not a subscriber to QRZ yet so waiting to see what the best move on this.

I (and several others) have had many QRZ callbook lookup troubles in Logic.
Usually just enter call and then TAB.
If only have QRZ callbook selected (i.e. all others disabled) only will log info only some of the time.
May show found in QRZ.COM and still not in log.
May also show not found in QRZ.COM but the info shows in Callbook window from QRZ site.
If not logged (cursor now in Name field) and then try Log/Callbook to log may work or may not...if not get Program Error: Cannot call SetFocus from within a When, Valid, RangeHigh or RangeLow event. Cancel crashes program Ignor hangs program.
Repeated callsign,enters may log info sometimes.

Don't know if any of this help, but been a issue for a long time.

Thanks, Mike Collins
#19 Posted : Thursday, August 25, 2016 11:27:45 AM(UTC)
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Grid square is from zip and not from selected Callbook. i.e. only QRZ enabled, all other disabled and grid square doesn't match QRZ database.
Can't view grid square map on QRZ (i.e. GridMapper V.3) (works in Browser but not Logic Callbook window)

Sorry if I am making a mess of Brads posting.

Mike Collins
#20 Posted : Thursday, August 25, 2016 9:57:58 PM(UTC)

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So, yes, PLEASE make the subscription version look and function the same as the non-subscription version.
Ok, the XML does not return all of the fancy info that the web page displays. It DOES return an additional picture or something (look up F6DEX and DL2FAG). Anyway, I can display the QRZ.COM web page in a more convenient manner. Thanks for the suggestion.

Ok, sorry to say that the QRZ.COM web page is never going to work really well.

I've seen the RANGEHIGH... error a few times, but not being intermittant with lookups -- saying it's not found when it is there. It tends to either work or not in my experience.

I am really tempted to pull this feature, because it is a maintenance nightmare, and lowers the overall quality of LOGic in people's eyes. It does work for me almost all of the time here lately, so if everyone understands the limitations that it has and that LOGic is the only program doing this that I know of, and that yes, there will be ads....

Grid square is from zip and not from selected Callbook. i.e. only QRZ enabled, all other disabled and grid square doesn't match QRZ database.
I looked up you and me, and LOGic and the web site show the same grid. Please send me an example call. I looked at the code and I am getting the lat/lon from QRZ, then calculating the grid from that. So either my code is not working as it should, or QRZ has discrepancies between the lat/lon and grid. I thought maybe people could update their own grid like CQ Zone, but apparently not.

Don't know why the GridMapper in LOGic's browser window doesn't work. It works fine in Internet Explorer. I guess that is a reason to open the web page on the subscription in its own window.
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