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Duplicate sports not involving alerts
#1 Posted : Thursday, December 19, 2013 3:44:44 PM(UTC)
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Location: Gladstone, Michigan

I am receiving duplicate spots from a DXpedition. They are coming sometimes two per minute. The help screens say duplicates are not to come that often. How can I set Logic so that duplicate spots only occur periodically and not so often?

I am not using the alert feature that seems to be causing other problems with duplicate spots.
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#2 Posted : Thursday, December 19, 2013 6:48:00 PM(UTC)

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Which DXPedition? What spots? Others can check their systems for the same cluster data.

Suppression of duplicate spots works here - nothing to do with alerts.

Maybe the spots look like duplicates, but are not.

You can check LOGic's definition of "duplicate" using the TEST spot on the Options panel. Cut and paste from the source to the TEST spot and click TEST.

PS: Are the duplicates LOGics extra lines - one for each AWARD you are "spotting". Check you config for the Log fields for the award. Also check SPOT LEVEL on the Options panel.
Peter VK4IU
You can help by posting images of any errors and including your Logic version.
#3 Posted : Thursday, December 19, 2013 8:04:17 PM(UTC)
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Hi Peter,

I have the same problem of duplicate spots. I believe there is some strange interaction between the cluster software and Logic (it does happen on more than one cluster). When I looked at this in the past I THINK (this means I am digging way back in time and am not sure this is 100% accurate) I could eliminate the duplicate spots by using DX Summit (I do not like to use DX Summit because spots are delayed and it causes some relay in my rig to click on and off). In my case it has nothing to do with the DXpedition or station being spotted. It does not happen on all spots.

The duplicate spots are dups (right down to the spot time) and not slightly different.

Test does not cause any duplicate spots.

If I am hijacking K8AO's thread then address his issues and not mine. I've learned to live with it long ago.


#4 Posted : Thursday, December 19, 2013 10:44:17 PM(UTC)

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It is a public thread - you cannot hijack anything - input from anybody is more than welcome at any time to assist.

It is really hard to figure out what is wrong with code from a verbal description. Two things can make the task easier - a lot of people experience the problem, or example data exhibiting the problem. The more people who experience the problem the more "descriptions" one gets to read.

If one has examples from which to work, particularly examples from which one can repeat the event during testing, the task is much, much easier.

Clearly, at this point, this does not seem to be a common problem across many operators. That really does not indicate anything in particular, just that experience with the problem is rare.

So what is needed are examples, especially data from which to work.

I see elsewhere you, Bill, are using VE7CC, but I think you are using it direct from the cluster via Telnet. I use VE7CC, but by way of the VE7CC client on my PC which logs all the spots coming in even before they go to LOGic. It is easy to do, and a whole lot more flexible.

If you post the times, and the calls, which you are seeing as duplicates, one can look back through the VE7CC log and see what might be going on.

Alternatively, in addition, when the duplicates occur, one can bring up the Telnet window, select all the spots covering the period relevant to the problem, copy and post the data to the Forum. Also, one might exit LOGic and save a copy of the SPOTS database. Upload the Spot database to the Forum, and accompany it with an explanation of what happened. Tell the Forum what you believe are the duplicates.

One can do some testing on these issues oneself. In the Telnet window, select the text of the spot, point, right click and copy the spot to the clip board. Then go to the Spot Log, Options panel, and paste the spot into the TEST area. Click TEST. Was the spot suppressed?

Hopefully, with the example data, one should be able to demonstrate the problem - the first step to a solution.

Finally ... this is the sort of issue that the Forum "ShoutBox" is all about. The "shoutbox" is a bit like the cluster spots - only for LOGic, not DXing. One can be logged into the forum whenever one operates, and if an issue with LOGic arises, a quick "shout" might bring a response from others logged into the forum effecting a solution in no time at all. Sadly, most on the forum, look, but only log-in to the forum when they want to post to a topic. See this topic for more information. The Shoutbox is at the top of the front page of the forum.

I see that W7FW - did ask one question 18 days ago - but there was nobody logged in listening.

Peter VK4IU
You can help by posting images of any errors and including your Logic version.
#5 Posted : Thursday, December 19, 2013 10:47:54 PM(UTC)
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Hi All,

Tonight I was working on a filter issue in the alert area. Here is the filter NOT BAND='6M' AND DXCC='ZD7' AND MODE='CW'. It is working just fine.

When I enter any 20 meter (the only band I tested on) frequency (SSB or CW) with the call ZD7AA I get a double or triple spots from Logic 100 percent of the time using the test function.

That tells me there are several inaccuracies in my earlier post in this thread.


#6 Posted : Thursday, December 19, 2013 11:51:31 PM(UTC)

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When I test this ...

DX DE WN4AZY: 14067.8 ZD7AA Test Spot

... I get TWO spots in the spot log. That's because I have never worked ZD7 and have DXCC and CQZ configured for "spots" in Tools, Setup, Log fields Awards panel.

I tried again - no spots - again - no spots - waited until 5 minutes - two spots - DXCC, CQZ.

Maybe this is what you are seeing? Spots being duplicated because of the AWARD panel configuration in the Tools, Setup, Log field configuration. For me this is quite common, but as counties worked gets higher, this may be an unfamiliar event.

The Spot log entry has an AWARD column so you can see what caused the spot.

Peter VK4IU
You can help by posting images of any errors and including your Logic version.
#7 Posted : Friday, December 20, 2013 2:06:10 AM(UTC)
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Hi Peter,

Wow!!!!! You are right on. ZD7 on CW is one of the 11 countries I need to have them all.

I went to Tools, Setup, and Bands and made sure 234 was entered in each band and mode for DXCC only. I deleted all other entries in the 1234 format.


I will bow out here. I'll bet you have solved K8AO's issue as well as mine but I'll let him speak for himself.

Thanks for steering me in the right direction.

#8 Posted : Friday, December 20, 2013 9:55:12 AM(UTC)
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The duplicate spots are still occurring. This is what I see. DXCC South Shetland VP8-H 10M (in red) Phone (in red) CE9/UA4WHX 14:47 utc and another identical to that at 14:46. Yesterday there were 10 to 15 lines identical except for the time of posting. I use DXSCAPE and Logic 9.0.53. I have not made any settings changes in months. This just started yesterday (12/20/13).
#9 Posted : Friday, December 20, 2013 6:35:00 PM(UTC)

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Fantastic - I was able to reproduce!

I did this ...

My VE7CC Telnet - topped out an hour before the spots. I have increased the log interval to 7 days!

So I went to my trusty DXMonitor by VE3SUN and downloaded the last 10,000 spots from DX Summit. The spot at 1447 by KG5VX is missing. That's strange - it is not on the DXSummit web site search either.

I went to the DXScape web site, to the "DXScape Database search". It is not a raw log - they reformat the spot data.
I searched for C9E/UA4WHX, and found the spots at 1446 and 1447.

CE9/UA4WHX 13/12/20 1447Z 28495.0 KG5VK
CE9/UA4WHX 13/12/20 1446Z 28495.0 big split +30 NA1DX

I edited the spots into the form in the TEST panel of Spot Log, Options.

DX DE NA1DX: 28495.0 CE9/UA4WHX big split +30
DX DE KG5VK: 28495.0 CE9/UA4WHX

For CE9/EA4WHX I get three spots generated one each for DXCC, CQZ, ITUZ. Sure enough - I get another THREE spots when I test the second spot. If I repeat the same spot - it is suppressed.

Now we have to find out why. I wonder if the +30 has an effect.

+30 - spot duplicated - 3 more
+30 - spot suppressed
+60 - spot duplicated - 3 more
+20 - spot duplicated - 3 more
+21 - spot duplicated - 3 more
+21 - spot suppressed

LOGic parses the comment on the spot, looking for "splits" that might be in there. The resulting "split" causes a new spot because it is a different frequency.

On the forum I found Split Frequency Calculation and here
The second reference mentions parsing the COMMENT field of a spot for IOTA references, and split frequencies.

I found nothing in the Help on parsing the spot Comments.

I don't think the duplicated spots are a bug, more of a feature, if the spot comment contains what looks like a spit frequency, different from the previous spot.

Peter VK4IU
You can help by posting images of any errors and including your Logic version.
#10 Posted : Wednesday, March 12, 2014 4:47:30 PM(UTC)
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i get duplicate spots in the DX cluster window.
never had it until some weeks ago.
what shall i do to prevent it?
#11 Posted : Thursday, March 20, 2014 7:16:27 AM(UTC)

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I got your screen shot via email, and cannot tell if there are in fact duplicate spots or not, as the AWARD and VALUE columns are not included. My bet is that what looks like duplicates are in fact the same spot being flagged for DXCC, as well as CQZ, etc.


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