Hi Dennis,
I have been testing Logic 9.0.50 prior to starting more ambitionus DXing.
I am running split, USB, 20m. Using 2 radios.
I add a blank record to the log, enter a call sign, check the Progress form, the Info form. I then double click on the Freq box to log the frequency and mode ...
Logic errors with the dialogue "No PARAMETER statement found";
I click ignore, the error repeats;
I click Ignore;
Logic logs the Listening frequency in both the Rx Freq and Tx Freq, the correct Mode entered.
Ditto for Radio 2 - rx frequency in both boxes. Mode is correct.
Logic stays alive, and I continue dxing.
I tried the same thing on my "remote system" ... Win7-64-Pro, Logic 9.0.50 and OmniRig across a RemoteRig link to the radio shack. I am still waiting on gear for the second radio, so this is with ONE rig configured in Logic and OmniRig.
Using the same process, I get the same error, two like this ...

but no Freq is entered in the TX Freq box. Rx and mode are correct and Logic keeps running.
Your efforts are appreciated.
Peter VK4IU
Peter VK4IU
You can help by posting images of
any errors and including your
Logic version.