Hello Dennis:
Finally have a bit of time to play radio during the holidays !

I've been playing with different pieces of software, trying to get them to play nice together and stumbled upon Omnirig. I had never tried using it before and it's been very useful - if you choose your software carefully. Presently, I have my two radios (K3, FT1000MkV) working well with LOGic, BandMaster, and MixW3. (flDigi does NOT work with this setup.) I have noticed a problem in logging however when doing this.
While operating split on Rig #2 (FT1000MkV), if I enter a callsign and press TAB, it will switch VFO A and B on the radio. This has the effect of making (logging) the same frequency for the split frequency (TX) as for receive. I have to then manually correct the TX frequency. Also If I manually put the radio into split, it does not register in LOGic (radio control box). I have to press the spl key to get it to register as a split contact. Pressing the spl key again does take the radio out of split - so it toggles fine - it just doesn't recognize the radio when manually placed into split.
The other thing I've found is that MixW only works with Rig #1 with Omnirig - there is no Rig #1 and Rig #2 setting, just a single selection of Omnirig which only works for Rig #1. So the K3 is set to be my digital radio - until they get it straight. I haven't figured out how to transfer log data from MixW to the LOGic log - I have been manually typing in the contact info after the QSO.
And lastly, the only other thing I've noticed is the frequency readout in LOGic for the K3 eventually times out and goes to all zeroes. Moving the VFO knob or clicking anything in the radio control box will wake it up and cause the display to work correctly - for awhile.
Lots to chew on, I know, but I don't get this chance often !
73, Jamie