WAB Large Squares
Here is how to track WAB large squares with LOGic.
Large squares are merely the letter-portion of the WAB square.
Begin by downloading the WABLSQ list. Save it somewhere where you can find it, then import it into LOGic. Go to tools/Setup/List of Valid Values and click IMPORT. Import WABLSQ.DBF.
Go to tools/setup/log fields. Click the binoculars and enter WABLSQ for the field name. If it is not found, click + to add a new field. The field name is WABLSQ. Description is WAB Large Squares. Field type is CHARACTER. Width is 2. Checkmark EDIT USING LISTS TABLE. On the Awards Tracking and Spotting tab, checkmark TRACK AWARD FOR THIS FIELD. Copy the following expression and paste it into CALCLUATED FIELD EXPRESSION.
(to copy and paste, use standard procedure. Hilight the above expression by swiping the mouse over the whole line to hilight it. Type {Ctrl+C}. Put your cursor in the CALCULATED FIELD EXPRESSION field of LOGic, and type {Ctrl+V}.)
Click Awards/Update Awards Progress Info. WABLSQ is calculated from the WAB field. Close and reopen the log form, or restart LOGic.
You may now check your large squares progress by checking the WABLSQ award using any of LOGic's awards forms or reports. If you have logged any WAB squares, WABLSQ will show also.
Note that this award uses LOGic's calculated fields feature. It extracts the Large Square from the WAB field. Do not attempt to put a WABLSQ on your logging screen or explicitly log WABLSQ. Simply log WAB.
Some technical info:
The WABLSQ values list permits LOGic's awards tracking to report unworked large squares.
That expression checks to see if the second character of the WAB square is a digit. If it is, it gets the first character of WAB. Otherwise, it gets the first two characters of WAB.