Thanks Dennis !!
So when I browsed within win4icomsuite's auto launch window for my desktop shortcut and selected the shortcut it came back with the same error, BUT, when I manually typed in the path to the desktop shortcut it worked. I think this goes to me not realizing that browsing to the shortcut and using open from file explorer to select it would in-fact insert the shortcut's target (LOGic.exe) NOT the shortcut. So the resulting program error was actually the same as trying to enter LOGic.exe as before. Once I entered the path to the shortcut manually it worked !! So thanks as always !!
PS: win4icomsuite is a pretty cool program, next I'll try to have fldigi and wsjtx all concurrently connected via win4icomsuite and linked to LOGic for the IC-7300 giving me all the digital modes all while the IC-7610 is directly connected to LOGic. So two rig control and full logging capability with on-screen spectrum scopes....too cool !! Then have to figure out how to get three rigs to all play and have all the digital modes available to any rig along with full radio control and spectrum scopes for each....that may be a tall order !!
Hamvention in a couple days !!! Going Fri and Sat to kick the tires on the 9700....if anyone is going send me an email, it would be nice to have an eyeball with anyone in the forum.
73 de Brad N8GLS