Hello Dennis,
I wanted you to see what happens during the automatic update via callbook qrz.com.
I tell you my operations step by step.
click Tools
click Callbook batch update
click Filter to select criteria
click name and select "empty"
click QSO dates and select >= 01/01/2012
click OK
I select "do address"
I select "do county"
I select "do grid square"
I select "do lat / lon"
I select "Throttle" with value 3
I select "Limit number to process" with a value of 100
click OK
The system begins processing. When running you see names that do not have managers and other calls that have the managers. Some name is not found and in the window reads
XXXXXX found
XXXXX not found.
It 'happened that a few times (screenshot attached) said:
AAAAA found
AAAAA managers AAAAA found
AAAAA found
The system stops and an error appears that reads:
CALLBOOK_REF object is not found.
There are two options to click on "cancel" or "ignore"
"Cancel" button resets the program instead of "Ignore" continues.
After the update I went to see if the QSO was updated.
I noticed that the only thing that updates are:
the name, qth, address.
Sometimes he puts the locator and about managers happens what I said.
Never puts the latitude and longitude.
Can you see to recreate the problem even using the same callnames to understand what happens?
Some screenshots for you.
Tia Dennis
73's de IKØCHU Mauro