Excuse me Dennis,
I will try to explain point to point with my poor english:
1-I know, today, that from 01 to 15 August 2018 will be a DXCALL on air (I need it)
2.I use the information to insert the filter in the spotlog
3. The filter mask proposes me some field names but i can only insert the CALL
4. The date field does not exist with the various possibilities to put a range or a specific date etc. The list lacks the given option as it exists in other cases.
5. Once all the data have been inserted (date and comment included after the mods), the filter will only work by referring to that date, displaying in red color in the spot window and also displaying any comment inserted into the alert flash little window.
6.When the filter date has passed, it will no longer need to be in the list and can be automatically deleted.
So if the local PC date matches a filter date it must display in red in the spotlog, while if the date has expired the same filter must be deleted.
I hope I've been exhaustive.
You do not have to apologize to me absolutely because I can give one or more ideas, then you have to decide if the thing is feasible and if it is of use to the whole community.
The Logic is an exceptional program but I think it is better to enhance those features that other programs do not have, and that is why I often "bother you".
Thank you for what you can do and I certainly do not rush you.
/3's de IKØCHU Mauro