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US County rejected when doing QSL import
#1 Posted : Monday, January 8, 2018 9:30:38 PM(UTC)

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Doing a QSL import from LoTW of US QSO's that have a US county in the record results in a reject for the county even though its in the list of valid values. Usually a valid rejected county name doesn't get entered in the field but in the several instances this has occurred the correct county name appears in the field, re-selecting it still results in an error and you have to delete the county and then go back and re-select it for the reject to clear the Awards Update. This may have started in v9.1.25, but it was for sure occuring in v9.1.26 and the current v9.1.27.

I havent looked at the LoTW file but will do that.

73, de Brad N8GLS

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#2 Posted : Wednesday, January 10, 2018 2:15:29 PM(UTC)

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Ok, I'm not having any problem with my log. Pse send me the ADIF record for a few counties that are getting rejected. You can paste them here. I'll import them and see what's going on.

Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY
#3 Posted : Wednesday, January 10, 2018 10:46:19 PM(UTC)

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Thanks Dennis,

Attached is a .adi file with several qsls that were rejected.

de Brad
File Attachment(s):
n8glslotwreport.adi (3kb) downloaded 59 time(s).
#4 Posted : Thursday, January 11, 2018 10:45:58 PM(UTC)

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Thanks for sending that. Unfortunately, I was unable to repeat the error. For example, K3RA on 9/11/16 was not found in the log. I added it, and it entered the cnty MD,HOWARD. It imported three others, all with no errors.

Perhaps your cnty table is corrupted. Try this: Go to tools/setup/list of valid values. Double-click on CNTY in the left NAVIGATE TO LIST control. Click the DELETE button.

Now install the 9.1.27 update. Be sure to select the INSTALL NEW AWARDS LISTS AND USER-DEFINED FIELDS option. That will get you a new factory CNTY table. Now try tools/update awards info.

You can try tools/database maintenance/reindex. However, that happens automatically every time you install an update.

Let me know.

Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY
#5 Posted : Friday, January 12, 2018 4:48:41 PM(UTC)

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Thanks Dennis,

I was looking at the list of valid values under CNTY and noticed that in the list view, the column "Deleted" had an "F" in every record. Also, I had an overwhelmingly large number of listings, ran the awards table entity count and it showed 27,439.....no wonder I could never qualify for the Worked All Counties award, hi hi....anyways....I deleted the CNTY list and re-installed v9.1.27 and for giggles ran the awards table count again and now its 3,077 and thats correct. I'll do another qsl import tonight to insure the CNTY doesnt result in any rejects. So think you were spot-on with the corrupted list.

Wierd on the "F" being in the deleted column for every CNTY record. So I went searching all lists for entries having anything other than a "T" in the deleted column and found only the IOTA list had an "F" in every one. So thought "F" = false and "T" = true for the logical in deleted, but couldn't find any other entry with an "F" other than IOTA ?? Attached is a partial snipit of the IOTA list. Not a "code" guy so forgive the reasoning.

As always, thanks again for the support !!

73 de Brad

File Attachment(s):
LOGicIOTAlistofvalidvalues.JPG (204kb) downloaded 58 time(s).
#6 Posted : Saturday, January 13, 2018 8:17:44 PM(UTC)

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Yeah, T means true. F or blank means false. I don't think the blank vs F is an issue.

Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY
#7 Posted : Monday, January 15, 2018 8:55:57 PM(UTC)

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First QSL import tonight from LoTW after deleting the Cnty list and re-installing v9.1.27 a few days ago. County rejected after doing Awards Update. I attached a few snippits;

20180151a: Pop-up window showing the rejected QSO.
20150115b: Log Window showing the QSO record. You can see the county did import even though it wasnt found in the Cnty List.
20150115c: List of valid values showing the county is actually in the list.
20150115d: The downloaded adi file from LOGic's tmp directory right after the import.

Is this weird or what....

de Brad

File Attachment(s):
20180115a-NotInCntyList-Reject.JPG (68kb) downloaded 45 time(s).
20180115b-NotInCntyList-LogWindow.JPG (90kb) downloaded 49 time(s).
20180115c-NotInCntyList-CntyList.JPG (167kb) downloaded 49 time(s).
20180115d-NotInCntyList-Lotw.ADI (2kb) downloaded 46 time(s).
#8 Posted : Tuesday, January 16, 2018 8:22:18 PM(UTC)

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Brad try this or maybe you have already.

Change the county to NONE for this contact then do a Awards Update.

If no errors go to that contact and use the drop down box to select TN,HAMILTON
Do Awards Update.

#9 Posted : Tuesday, January 16, 2018 9:07:55 PM(UTC)

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Deleting the county (selecting "none") then doing an awards update will result in no rejects since the cause of the reject in the first place is the data/text in that field not matching what's in the list of valid values. I have been deleting the county, getting out of the record, then back in and re-selecting the same county from the drop-down, so it only likes the data/text from the list of valid values and doesn't like the data/text being imported from LoTW (even though they match). This goes for any QSL imported from LoTW with a US County (note its a blank field before the import).

I just did another check of LoTW while doing this post and had another new QSL with a US County that got rejected after an awards update.

Thanks for the suggestion....

de Brad

#10 Posted : Wednesday, January 17, 2018 5:49:16 PM(UTC)

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I just ran the Update Awards Progress here
113 Errors
all CNTY and CQZ not listed

TX,TRAVIS not in the CNTY list
NH,MERRIMACK not in the CNTY list
AL,TUSCALOOSA not in the CNTY list
OH,CHAMPAIGN not in the CNTY list
CO,JEFFERSON not in the CNTY list
IL,MCLEAN not in the CNTY list
NY,ONTARIO not in the CNTY list
VA,BEDFORD not in the CNTY list
SD,MINNEHAHA not in the CNTY list
MT,MISSOULA not in the CNTY list
NJ,MIDDLESEX not in the CNTY list
CA,LOS ANGELES not in the CNTY list
CA,SAN LUIS OBISPO not in the CNTY list
WI,EAU CLAIRE not in the CNTY list
NJ,PASSAIC not in the CNTY list
SC,HORRY not in the CNTY list
NJ,BURLINGTON not in the CNTY list
KY,JEFFERSON not in the CNTY list
MD,MONTGOMERY not in the CNTY list
NH,HILLSBOROUGH not in the CNTY list
NC,ORANGE not in the CNTY list
NY,SARATOGA not in the CNTY list
WI,EAU CLAIRE not in the CNTY list
and many more....

Looks like CQZ zones
01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09 not in the CQZ list

#11 Posted : Wednesday, January 17, 2018 10:19:12 PM(UTC)

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Try deleting the entire CNTY list from the list of valid values (see post #4 above) and re-install v9.1.27. It didnt resolve the CNTY rejects for me but it may for you, I'd be curious if it does. Gee, that made me just remember that when I deleted my CNTY list LOGic prompted me if I wanted it to repack the list, I clicked NO, maybe you should click yes.... I doubt its got anything to do with the rejects but hey, stranger things have happened. Dennis also made another change to v9.1.27 several days ago but kept the same version number. I believe that was for an ADIF issue.

Best Regards,

de Brad
#12 Posted : Thursday, January 18, 2018 9:34:46 AM(UTC)

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I deleted the CNTY list and downloaded 9.1.27 again and checked INSTALL NEW AWARDS LISTS AND USER-DEFINED FIELDS. Same issues did not fix

Index/Repack are run when starting LOGic or you can do it by clicking Tools>Database Maintenance.
#13 Posted : Thursday, January 18, 2018 11:37:27 AM(UTC)

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Kyle, make sure you have the 9.1.27 update. I updated a .DLL midstream, so try downloading it and installing it again.

The CQZ errors have to do with LoTW suddenly putting leading zeros in front of single-digit zones. This has been fixed in LOGic and is working now AFAIK. Be sure to run the FIX STUFF misc utility to fix existing problems.

Brad & Kyle: I zapped my log, imported LoTW, added QSOs not found in log. I had no problems with awards progress update. I did have one QSO with CA,SAN LUIS OBISPO like Kyle does. But I didn't get a reject.

Please do this for me. Click Forms/Log Form, open User-defined fields.logform. That will show the raw user-defined field data. Get one of the QSOs where cnty is getting rejected. Copy the text from the userfields box and paste it into your reply. Something has to be amiss there.

Thanks for the help thus far!

Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY
#14 Posted : Thursday, January 18, 2018 7:05:19 PM(UTC)

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Ok Dennis,

Here is the last QSL import that was rejected;


And here is the same QSL import but with CNTY deleted and re-selected from within LOGic;

Sorry I didnt give you that before, just not thinking....

So a space inserted after the county name ???

de Brad
#15 Posted : Thursday, January 18, 2018 7:34:46 PM(UTC)

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FYI.....Just went back and deleted the CNTY from this record, then re-downloaded the QSL from LoTW, ran awards update, got the rejected CNTY, then went to the userfields logform and deleted some twenty spaces after the county name. Ran awards update again.....SUCCESS !!! Reject gone.....

de Brad

#16 Posted : Friday, January 19, 2018 1:50:46 PM(UTC)

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Ok, good detective work.

Not sure how that space got in there. Tools/misc utilities would have probably fixed that.

Keep an eye on it. If the adif file was like this {CNTY:12}TN,HAMILTON (12 instead of 11), that might explain it. (I am substituting { } for angle brackets in my example as posting angle brackets causes a forum error).

If it happens again, pse send me the ADIF record. I think we are trimming all spaces from the front and back of any value now.

Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY
#17 Posted : Sunday, January 21, 2018 1:16:29 PM(UTC)

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I went back to this same QSL, deleted the CNTY from both the log and the userfield as well as changing the LoTW R field back to blank, i.e., back to a QSO with no QSL received and no CNTY. Did an LoTW download again, it again resulted in a reject of the CNTY. Adi file has the entry as {CNTY:11}TN,HAMILTON.

I attached a snippit of the userfield logform before the import (no CNTY entry) and after the import (CNTY imported from LoTW). Note the userfield has approx 20 spaces between the end of HAMILTON and the pipe, so its TN,HAMILTON....................| (dots represent spaces). As in my previous post removing all the spaces eliminates the CNTY reject. Also attached the adi file.

de Brad
File Attachment(s):
UserfieldLog-LotwImport-Before.JPG (75kb) downloaded 51 time(s).
UserfieldLog-LotwImport-After.JPG (77kb) downloaded 56 time(s).
LOTW_DOWNLOAD.ADI (2kb) downloaded 47 time(s).
#18 Posted : Sunday, January 21, 2018 6:11:15 PM(UTC)

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Thanks for sending that. I just can't reproduce the problem.

The ADIF file looks OK to me. I imported it and the CNTY is OK. I figured it might be a problem with the LoTW update of county only. SO I started with a blank log file, downloaded my log from LoTW, blanked all of the CNTYs and blanked all lotw_rcvd. I downloaded from LoTW again, and CHECKed IN the QSLs. The CNTY was filled in properly.

Try this. Maybe there is an updated DLL that isn't overwriting the old one. Download and retain the 9.1.29 update. Delete the ASSEMBLY folder inside the LOGic install folder. Install the 9.1.29 update.

If that doesn't do it, I would like to log in and see if I see anything.

Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY
#19 Posted : Monday, January 22, 2018 9:40:21 AM(UTC)

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I installed 9.1.29 and still have several hundred of CNTY and CQZ 01-09 that are shown as rejects now when doing Update Awards.
#20 Posted : Monday, January 22, 2018 9:57:00 AM(UTC)

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The problem of those zones with leading zeros importing improperly has been fixed. It will import all future QSOs ok. But it does not fix bad data already in the log. To fix that, go to tools/misc utilities/fix stuff.

This will fix the CNTY with extra spaces too.

Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY
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