Hardware is Dell 3650 PC with 16gb memory, and windows 10. Software is SmartSDR. Virtual serial port software is SmartSDR CAT. SmartSDR CAT is loaded with you first start SmartSDR, and remains running until you either stop it or reboot. It does not quit when SmartSDR exits.
What happens is as follows: Start SmartSDR. It connects with the Flex 6500 via Ethernet. SmartSDR CAT, if not running already, is started. To use it with a logging program or other programs that need serial port capability, in SmartSDR CAT you active a serial port and sync it with a receiver slice. With the Flex6500 you can have 4 different slices with 4 different virtual serial ports.
Using Logic9, you set up the serial ports based on those defined in SmartSDR CAT (e.g. COM4, COM5, COM6 and COM7). SmartSDR uses the Kenwood 2000 CAT interface. Works like a charm.
Now exit SmartSDR. SmartSDR CAT still running. Restart SmartSDR. Reset serial ports in Logic9 from the menu. Frequency in the 2 edit controls at the bottom appear and match what's displayed in SmartSDR. Now try logging a contact. Enter the log values, then double click on the Log Frequency edit box. Without fail, you get the error message: 'Logic.exe has stopped working', with a button to exit. Do that, and then bring up Logic9 again. You get the message that Logic9 was exited improperly, and it asks to clean up the database. All logging info for the contact being logged is lost.
It's no big thing, just annoying.