Not sure how you got that data in to the log. Were they imported from another program?
Anyway, the exception list says they are not in the list of valid values.
As to the AS-200, RSGB's website says that there are no approved activations. list his address as within the Kagawa Prefecture (one of 180+ islands that count) but
perhaps no one has done whatever is required to get approved?
Remove the IOTA from the QSO. As I track IOTA, I modified my 'Main' log form to show that
field. You might just open the USERFIELDS log form, edit the box in the upper right, save, then
close this additional form. Update the awards in progress when you finish editing.
Likewise, there is no USA-CA Award county. In my CQ County Award book, Alaska has 4 'districts.'
Kenai Peninsula, south of Anchorage, probably counts as South Central. CQ may update their award
list so all 29 counties are seperate entries though their website still only lists the total as 3077.
For now, open the USERFIELDS log form as above and remove the county.
Some other county hunter expert here may be of more help.
73's, Don