Right-- it isn't going to do anything unless you click AUTOMATICALLY CHECK IN THESE QSLS or ADD QSOS FOR QSLS NOT FOUND IN LOG.
Here are the steps it goes thru:
For now, let's assume the DOWNLOAD QSLS ON OR SINCE is set to blank. When you click IMPORT DIRECTLY FROM WEB, any QSLs that you have will be downloaded from the ARRL and will appear in the grid in the UPDATE LOG tab. LOGic goes thru the QSLs and tries to match it to a QSO in the log. It does this matching by comparing CALL, OPERATOR, and DATE & TIME, with and without seconds. If no match is found, NOT FOUND IN LOG is checkmarked. If a match is found LOTW RCVD is already marked as Fulfilled, ALREADY UPDATED will be checkmarked.
Clicking AUTOMATICALLY CHECK IN THESE QSLs reads thru every record on the grid that is not marked as ALREADY PROCESSESED, finds the matching QSO, and changes LOTW_RCVD to Fulfilled. It also updates CQZ, ITUZ, County, IOTA, VE PROV, STATE, and Grid square, overwriting whatever may already be in LOGic. The info on the QSL is presumed to be correct. (However, if you log a 6-letter grid square it will not be overwritten with a 4-character grid square from LoTW.
What do you mean by "New"? A "new" QSL, as I see it, is one that shows up and does not have already LoTW RCVD set to Fulfilled. That date box on the first page -- it sends it to LoTW so it doesn't send down every QSL you've ever received. All it does is make LOGic get fewer QSL records to process. Presumably there are no QSLs before that date that you haven't previously processed. But it isn't going to hurt anything to blank it and every time. It will just give LOGic more data to wade thru and cause the ARRL servers to send more data.
I can't find where I am doing anything with the QSL Rcvd Date that LoTW sends back.
Quote:LoTW also gave me VUCC credit for multiple QSO's with the same station even though I didn't have confirming QSL cards for more than one QSO, and, the import also changed those QSO's in LOGic marking them as confirmed with a QSL received date matching the LoTW QSL record date.
LoTW gives you credit for multiple squares on the same QSO. LOGic used to require you to add multiple QSOs. Now, you can enter multiple squares separated by commas. We got hung up on awards tracking or contest duping or something and have not finished that yet. There is a thread elsewhere about this -- I will look for it and review it.
Let me know if any questions or comments.
Dennis WN4AZY