The simple answer is yes and no!
This little square is a "system field", and does not have a label.
The only things we can add/remove from the form are "user fields".
One can only have 20 "user fields" per log form, but can have an unlimited number defined in the Log Fields table.
So, if you have already used 20 user fields on the log form - the answer is NO, cannot be done.
If less than 20 you CAN make a label for it ...
Add a user field to the Log Fields table that has a name matching the text you would like as the label.
Add the field to the log form, hide the field, but leave the name visible.
Move the "other QSOs box" somewhere so this user field label can be moved near it.
Some caution ...
Note there is NO undo button when you move fields around. If you move the square away from the call field, you cannot move it back easily. Make a backup of the form before you change it.
Peter VK4IU
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