... you are looking for differences between the QSOs - the ones made using the contest form, and the ones made with the standard logform.
There is no magic to running a contest logform, there is no hidden data. All the data, no matter what contest logfrom you use, is recorded by LOGic during the contest in the special fields in the USERFIELD field of each QSO. Note what I said - ALL the data is kept in the QSOs record, in the USERFIELDS field.
There is no difference in the USERFIELDS logform, other than that it shows the detail of the data for the contest.
Clearly when you are running the report, LOGic cannot find any of the QSOs you say you recorded during the contest. There must be a piece of the puzzle missing either from the QSOs, or the definition on the CQ WW contest logform, Setup, Contest.
So check these things ...
Open the CQ WW contest log form, and triple check that the contest logfrom has the correct contest id, and start and end dates covering ALL the QSOs you made during the contest.
Then re-score the contest - at the very least you should see a score that reflects your use of that contest logfrom. If you don't you need to correct that problem first. If that score is correct ...
Open TWO copies of the USERFIELDS logfrom, and look through each and every QSO - comparing especially the last ones you made with the contest logfrom and the first ones you made with the normal logfrom.
When you compare the QSOs you should notice that those made with the normal logform have NO fields for the contest. That will have to be corrected manually by you - it is too late for LOGic to do it.
How many QSOs are we talking about - contest form, std logform, total?
Peter VK4IU
You can help by posting images of
any errors and including your
Logic version.