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Another error message
#1 Posted : Monday, September 9, 2013 9:10:21 PM(UTC)
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Got this when I clicked on the spot log to move the VFO to another station.
File Attachment(s):
LOGic Error Message 2013-09-09.pdf (23kb) downloaded 27 time(s).
73, Allen N5XZ
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#2 Posted : Tuesday, September 10, 2013 4:32:03 PM(UTC)

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Hi Allen:

Sorry for the problem.

Did it work at one time? Is it consistent or does it fail intermittently? Do you get the same error if you set the rig from another place in LOGic such as the log form or the radio control panel?

Are you using a USB interface, and if so, what chipset/driver does it use?
Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY
#3 Posted : Tuesday, September 10, 2013 6:12:42 PM(UTC)
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This is intermittent, but quite a PITA when it does happen. I don't know if it is always the same error...I will try to keep better track of them. The problem is, when I do get these errors, most of the time I have to restart the program, which sometimes entails the lengthy wait while it rereads all the databases. WRT where the errors occur from, it happens most often from the spot log, but also from the bandmap. As stated before, I also get crashes occasionally when I hit "+" for a new QSO.

Interface is a microHAM micro Keyer II with the latest FTDI chipset. It uses it's own drivers.
File Attachment(s):
LOGic Error Message 2013-09-10.pdf (62kb) downloaded 27 time(s).
73, Allen N5XZ
#4 Posted : Tuesday, September 10, 2013 7:15:06 PM(UTC)
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The last post includes a screenshot of yet another error when I clicked on the "SET RIG" button.
73, Allen N5XZ
#5 Posted : Tuesday, September 10, 2013 8:03:19 PM(UTC)

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Sorry I missed your call.

That last error "unspecified error" sounds like memory corruption or something.

You say it uses the latest FTDI chipset, but has its own Microham driver. Could you install the FTDI factory driver instead? We sell 100% FTDI stuff which all uses the factory drivers it loads automatically from when you plug it in, and it is all bulletproof.

Some other FYI: LOGic uses two libraries to communicate with serial ports. The new non-legacy stuff uses .Net framework 2.0. The legacy stuff uses MSCOMM.OCX. If one works and the other doesn't you have a possible workaround, but also may indicate that the .Net Framework or MSCOMM respectively is corrupt. Another possible workaround is to use OmniRig. OmniRig might work.

To isolate the problem to Microham or LOGic, do you have a regular RS-232 port you can try? If not I will be happy to loan you one of ours to test with.

Let me know.

Tnx & 73,

#6 Posted : Tuesday, September 10, 2013 8:38:25 PM(UTC)
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Perhaps we can try that...I have to tell you though that I have had this problem for a long time, even with LOGic 8 and a different computer. And with a different interface. The micro KEYER II also has WinKeyer built in, so maybe I can isolate it with your converter.

I wonder if anyone else on the Forum has had this kind of persistent problem and if so, what was done to fix it??
73, Allen N5XZ
#7 Posted : Sunday, September 15, 2013 2:41:13 AM(UTC)
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Another crash. This time again when I hit type in new call and hit tab.

How many others are having this problem??
File Attachment(s):
LOGic Error Message 2013-09-15.pdf (13kb) downloaded 28 time(s).
73, Allen N5XZ
#8 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 11:32:50 AM(UTC)

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I have had one other report of that error. Not reproducible as I recall.

Tell me what rig you have and I will mail you a loaner interface. Do you want USB or RS232?

Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY
#9 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 11:38:38 AM(UTC)

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Ok, you posted the other occurrence of this error:


So I don't know of ANYONE else getting this error.

I would not be surprised if it is related to the alleged USB=>RS232 error. They can do strange things -- we had a customer who was getting all sorts of errors from LOGic, not Windows. He was using a Prolific adapter, but the errors didn't seem like it would be the culprit. It was logging the wrong frequency among other things as I recall.

It was obviously related to the radio interface. In desperation I sent him one of our USB=>RS232 interfaces to try. Problem solved. He paid for that one and ordered three more.

Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY
#10 Posted : Monday, September 16, 2013 1:34:07 PM(UTC)
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Rig here is a K3 with P3 panadapter. Current interface is a microHAM micro KEYER II.

I will try the loaner.

Wondering if anyone else is using a similar interface...with or without problems??
73, Allen N5XZ
#11 Posted : Tuesday, September 17, 2013 3:02:46 PM(UTC)
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This is now becoming a multiple daily occurrence. This occurred when I tried to do a manual lookup
File Attachment(s):
LOGic Error Message 2013-09-17.pdf (20kb) downloaded 28 time(s).
73, Allen N5XZ
#12 Posted : Wednesday, September 18, 2013 8:16:11 AM(UTC)

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Ok, the K3 has a built-in RS-232 port -- a 9-pin connector, right? If so, I will just send a USB=>RS232 adapter. Is the 9-pin connector on the rig male or female?

This occurred when I tried to do a manual lookup

A manual lookup on what? The callbook? What callbook was it looking in?


#13 Posted : Wednesday, September 18, 2013 1:18:35 PM(UTC)
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I was doing a manual callbook lookup. I cannot remember if I was using QRZ or hamqth.
73, Allen N5XZ
#14 Posted : Saturday, November 2, 2013 9:33:23 PM(UTC)
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LOGic is acting up again. Got the attached error message when I clicked on a call in the spot log.
File Attachment(s):
LOGic Error Message 2013-11-02.pdf (17kb) downloaded 27 time(s).
LOGic Error Message 2013-11-04.pdf (11kb) downloaded 23 time(s).
73, Allen N5XZ
#15 Posted : Monday, November 4, 2013 9:17:37 PM(UTC)
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Don't know what it is, but LOGic seems to run fine for a while, then start this error business again. See today's error. Happened again when clicking on "SET RIG" from the spot log.
File Attachment(s):
LOGic Error Message 2013-11-04.pdf (11kb) downloaded 27 time(s).
73, Allen N5XZ
#16 Posted : Tuesday, November 5, 2013 12:03:02 AM(UTC)

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Hi Allen,

... you asked in a previous entry to the topic ...

I wonder if anyone else on the Forum has had this kind of persistent problem and if so, what was done to fix it??

Yep. Several times - with Logic 6,7,8 and once so far with Logic 9. Every time it was something other than Logic that was the problem.

I have an SO2R K3 and Microham setup, with a pair of K3/0s running the shack remotely via Ethernet from an indoor radio shack in the house next to the kitchen. There are lots of USB devices and drivers involved. I use TRX Manager, Telnet, DX Atlas/Band Master (with OmniRig), in conjunction with Logic, all connected into Logic at the same time. If Logic has problems - they would be manifest at VK4IU.

The issue for me has always been something that came as a side effect of something I had installed - usually hardware with drivers of some sort.

The hardest part has always been working out "what" I changed to cause the problems in Logic. In the past, for family reasons, I often went weeks between periods of using Logic, installing almost anything in the periods between using Logic. But that's not necessary. I have been using Logic 9 daily, and a similar problem to yours still occurred with Logic 9 and I had no idea what had changed.

With Logic 9, the problem was my Nokia mobile phone Bluetooth connection. I was using Logic almost daily, and installed the software for my new mobile weeks before. I now know that the common demoninator was "serial port". I only discovered the problem when I wanted to re-configure Logic with Tools, Setup, Misc Ham setup. I would get obsecure .Net windows errors every time I tried. After some time, and help from Dennis, I realised the issue was with serial ports so I would purge the serial port definitions, re-install the serial devices, but the problem would reappear and persisted for months.

To cut a long story short - the problem was in the "enumerated Bluetooth devices" and their relationship to systems serial ports, and created by errors when the mobile phone BlueTooth software was installed - nothing what so ever to do with Logic. Logic just "triggered" the error when it tried to "enumerate the serial devices" using standard calls to Windows. I purged the USB configuration dozens of times, to no result, and finally when I deleted some "orphaned" Bluetooh devices I found in the Win 7 registry, I finally got a solution.

In my experience, there is only one way to go about solving these sorts of issues - simplyify, simplify, simplify.

Obviously, this is easier said than done. Step one is too simplify Logic itself - isolate the part of Logic that is triggering the errors.

You are getting OLE errors - Logic called other systems for information. So, I would remove as much of these "other systems" as I could - the Map or Telnet for example. Use DX Summit instead of Telnet. Stop using the Map, or DX Atlas. When Logic stops reporting errors, a step at a time, start using the tools again - hopefully, the error will appear with one of the steps, and you will know what to do. How long to test beofre the error appears - only you have a feeling for that.

If you got the error "setting the rig" - look at how Logic is driving the rig and simplify it - minimize the things between the rig and Logic. Ask yourself what happens when I do "that" in the spot log.

Work a step at a time, testing between each change.

For others to help in any practical way, you need to descibe your setup in detail.

For me, the most successful approach has been to first eliminate Logic from the problem. To do that, I use another PC, and install a minimal copy of Windows, then install Logic from the CD. I restore the log data, and, a step at a time, reconfigure Logic, testing as I go. One should get no problems, unless Logic is the problem. If no problems occur - I return to the original PC and simplify it. If I get problems with the "simpler PC installation and Logic" I know Dennis can help with Logic.

A second PC is easier than you think. If you download and install a copy of Oracles's VirtualBox (its free!) you can create as many "virtual PCs" as you want. Virtualbox allows you to run "virtual PCs", on top of your exisiting PC. Clearly, the "virtual PC" will be a little slow if your primary PC is too old. Memory is the key. If you have at least a dual core PC, with at least 2 GB of RAM you are "good to go" with VirtualBox. It is simple to do, and is just like using a "real PC". Look for a "Windows license" on the sticker of any old PC - XP (any version), Vista (any version), or Win7. You need a matching Windows installation CD - beg or borrow one. Your family or friends may have a "key" they no longer use. The value is in the key not the CD.

Most of us have owned several PCs over the years. Those old PCs and their licenses now have a use. Using VirtualBox, my old PCs live again as "virtual PCs" running versions of Windows and Linux on my "new PC". Yep - I too forgot to write the license key down before I threw out the old PC.

Mostly, it does not matter what version of Windows, so long as it is XP or later. Most of the change in Vista, Win7 and Win8 has been "cosmetic". Vista is great, most people hate it, and so a good market exsts in copies of Vista.

One of my "born again PCs" runs an original copy of Logic 9, with only the updates supplied by Dennis. I restore my Log into it, and use it as the "test bed" when I get errors running Logic.

So far, my score is Logic ZERO, Windows "a few".

Peter VK4IU
Peter VK4IU
You can help by posting images of any errors and including your Logic version.
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