Hi Dennis,
I am using a MicroHam MK2R+ SO2R controller with an internal Winkeyer - Rev 23. I assume that is the software version of the WinKeyer chip - the MK2R+ is about 3 years old.
The MK2R+ Winkey is set for min pot 15, max pot 28 - making the markings on the MK2R+ "CW speed knob" a nice 2 wpm spacing - and the knob is usually set at 22 wpm.
The system works well, no problems at all using it, I have many contacts in my log using it, with one exception. Logic seems confused about the speed at which the keyer is set.
When I load the form, the form says Winkeyer is set to 32 wpm. That would nice, but I am struggling at 22 wpm! If I turn the knob Logic reports min is 25, and max is 38! Code is actually being sent at 22 wpm.
On the Logic Winkeyer form Setup panel, the min/max speeds are set correctly at 15 and 28 wpm. As soon as I touch either min/max spinner in the Setup panel, the "WPM speed" sets correctly to the value of the MK2R+ knob - 22 wpm, and when I rotate the knob, Logic now reports the correct WPM on the knob, the min and max on the knob as 15 and 28 as it should be.
The next time I load the Logic Winkeyer panel, I have to do it all again to set my preferred speed.
I am not familiar with the inner workings of the Winkeyer protocol. But it would be nice if the speed could be set correctly at Logic WinKeyer form load.
Priority: Low.
Peter VK4IU
Peter VK4IU
You can help by posting images of
any errors and including your
Logic version.