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Dennis, Logic is recording the DXCC as NC instead of St Paul Isl. (CY9). What's the solution?
Bob, N7IP
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Works ok for me... 73, Allen N5XZ
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Same here, works just as it should. If it persists, check your prefix table entry for CY9. 73 Doug W5GA 73 Doug W5GA
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Thanks for the comments. This is a puzzle. The prefix table is correct. But when I log cy9c, the dxcc=K, ITUZ=8 (instead of 9 in the prefix table) and the state = NC. Otherwise, the IOTA, grid, etc are correct.
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Bob, does your prefix table entry have "Master for this DXCC" checked? Doug 73 Doug W5GA
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Hi Bob:
Go to the prefix table and Filter. For the PREFIXES field, select $ for the operator and CY for the value. I'm guessing you will see an extraneous CY for the NC entry. Or just check the NC entry.
Or install the factory prefix table.
Let us know.
Tnx & 73,
Dennis WN4AZY
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Here is a screenshot showing the prefix table as you requested. No NC entry. NC is the address on QRZ for the team, which you can see in the log entry. Bob
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Bob, your screen shot shows a CY0 prefix, not CY9. Take CY9 out of the CY0 entry and see what happens, cuz it shouldn't be there. 73 Doug W5GA 73 Doug W5GA
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Thanks Doug. The filter is set up according to what Dennis suggested. Filter on CY. That's why CY0 shows up in the results. so this test still doesn't explain why Logic is using K as the DXCC and NC as the state. NC does not appear in the CY prefix. It's puzzling.
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Hi Bob, hope you are well !!
If you worked CY9C before and you have Copy from Previous QSO's enabled it may be that one of those previous QSO's has the incorrect QTH (country or state) and is carrying it forward. Although, likely whats happening is you have Callbook lookup enabled and are looking up QTH data from QRZ. QRZ has CY9C as NC and thus DXXX would be K.
Try a test and disable Callbook Lookup, then be sure you have the QTH correct for the CY9C QSO (no state and DXCC as CY9) then log a new QSO with CY9C, my bet is it will log correctly.
Let us know,
73 de Brad K8ZM
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Yes, callbook lookup is on. But the CY9C entry in the log shows a different ITUZ than what's on QRZ, leading me to believe that the state=NC and DXCC=K is coming from somewhere other than the callbook. I had "copy from prev QSOs" checked. As you suggested, that's where the error was coming from. This is an example of why that option should never be checked if you have a moderate speed internet connection.
Thanks for helping me solve the mystery,
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Glad you got it Bob !!!!
Nothing gets your shorts in a twist more than these little "anomalies". Its a great feeling when they get solved !!
Best 73's, Brad
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