Hi Dennis,
I should update my running Membership Database with ASC value (the Italian equivalent of the German DOK) to update the QSOs entered in Logic with adif transfer after flagging the Membership field.
I used this procedure because it is not possible to edit or add anything in the Membership view-only window:
In SETUP/MEMBERSHIP LIST I displayed the ASC database and entered the new data of the members of my ARI Club. Once the archive was updated I proceeded to re-index it but I saw that the CALL was placed at the end of the list and not ordered as the others for CALL.
By entering the new member in my log the ASC field is not updated.
Surely I made a mistake in some passage.... but where???
Maybe I need to create a new database and insert it as data in the Membership department?
Tnx for any idea to solve the problem.
73 de IKØCHU Mauro