I have asked Dennis, and other ham friends how to make LOGic10 or other software do direct keying from my computer. At first people told me that I need to make a cable with a transistor, diodes, and resisters to connect my rigs key jack to my computers com port. Suggestion to buy a Winkeyer device or similar were suggested. But when I came across a website that told of how to setup a flex or ICOM 7300 to do direct keying from a computer, I started looking more closely at my FTDX-10 CW menus. This is what I did, and what I reported to Dennis to make it work, and it works great with only a single cable from my rig to the computers com port. This is my quote to Dennis, the LOGic tech guy and probably the owner of LOGic. (correct me if I'm wrong)
"I have figured out how to get my Yaesu FTDX-10 to key with LoGic 10. With the newer Yaesus, connect the USB A to USB B cable from computer to Yaesu, download and install the port drivers from Yaesu to configure 2 COM ports using this one cable. Figure out which COM ports were configured and select the first one for use with normal LOGic functions. Then configure the other port for use with the keying portion of LOGic. I went into the CW setting menu of the Yaesu, PC Keying>DTR. Select DTR keying in LOGic and done. Just adjust the weight and speed settings in LOGic to complete the install.
No other special cables or Winkeyer boxes are needed for the new Yaesu transceivers. Only a USB A to USB B cable are needed which was and is the cable needed for the Yaesu to communicate with LOGic."
As I stated, only one cable is needed for LOGic 10 to communicate with newer Yaesu transceivers. The USB A to B cable is basically a printer cable. The USB A side is the normal rectangular cable, while the USB B side is square. The A side goes into a regular USB port on your PC, and the B side goes into my Yaesu rig. I don't know if all modern Yaesu rigs have this or some other com port. You'll need to check your manual for this.
I thought I'd tell others what I've found and hope it helps those with modern Yaesu rigs.