Added this snippet showing a single multi-grid QSO I downloaded from LoTW (LOTW_Download_ADI) as it shows LoTW only populating VUCC_GRIDS when there is more than one locator and ignores GRIDSQUARE altogether.
The developer of GridTracker advised GridTracker reads VUCC_GRIDS when GRIDSQUARE is empty, I tested this and it works. If GRIDSQUARE contains multiple locators it ignores all but the first one, if both GRIDSQUARE and VUCC_GRIDS contain locators (which should never happen) it ignores VUCC_GRIDS and only reads the first locator in GRIDSQUARE. For me to use GT I export my LOGic log in ADIF format, then change GRIDSQUARE to VUCC_GRIDS for QSO's with multiple locators, then import into GridTracker. It works albiet a PITA.
GridTracker links with other loggers, HRD, N1MM, DXKeeper, HamZone, Log4OM, N3FJP. Maybe LOGic in the future
Brad, K8ZM