Installed 10.0.12 and tried downloading eQSL with pictures. Default browser is Firefox...still no luck.
Since I have other browsers (Edge, Chrome, Opera), I tried Chrome first. Set it as default in Windows Settings. Restarted LOGic. Try again.
I have multiple locations which means I use the 'Open eQSL site in browser' button, pick the location, then back to LOGic. Set the 'since date' to 1/1/2023 and proceed. I enabled the picture download and 74 QSL pictures came through. This took aound 30 minutes but I'm happy. Since the QSL picture download has not worked (for me) for around 2 years, I have to try again and set the since date to 1/1/2020. Might take all day.
Hopefully, it will stay working.
73s, Don