It would appear that the DSP2232 software is in "command mode" rather than "transparent mode".
The text "DX 14087 W1AW/3 QSX 14088.0 RTTY" from LOGic, should have been sent on by the DSP2232 software to whatever is at the other end of the PACKET link (transparent mode) but instead, the DSP2232 was waiting for a command (command mode) and has tried to interpret the text as a command. The DSP2232 command processing software cannot make any sense of the text - and prints "?What?".
There will be a "command"/"keystroke" that switches the DSP2232 software between "transparent mode" and "command mode". Looking at the Time Wave DSP232+ Manual - the command to go to transparent mode is TRANS, and if while in transparent mode the software sees three CTRL-C in succession, the DSP2232 software will switch back to command mode.
Check your manual for the DSP2232 that it is the same command.
You need to place this TRANS command in the PROMPT/RESPONSE Setup of the LOGic terminal - the LOGic terminal code sends these initialisation commands down the com port to the DSP2232 software to put the DSP2232 software into transparent mode, so that from that point forwards the LOGic spots will go out onto the PACKET network.
You can probably test this out by manually typing TRANS into the output window in the LOGic terminal, and assuming the DSP2232 switches to transparent mode, sending a SPOT.
Peter VK4IU
You can help by posting images of
any errors and including your
Logic version.