After many months of 'wanting' to migrate LOGic9 to a new computer, and never actually doing it, my hard drive crashed and I've lost many months of contacts

I sent the hard drive to a professional data retrieval company, but they are not having any luck because my hard drive is so old.
Lesson is...
BACK UP OFTEN !!!!!!!! My last back up was in early 2017 but since that backup, I have made thousands of contacts. Even if I load LOGic9 on my new laptop, I will have lost several months of QSO's, some that I needed for DXCC.
I have no idea what to do now. Do I start over or load LOGic9 on my new laptop, set it up, import my last backup and go from there?
What happens to my LoTW confirmations? How do I get a new LoTW certificates and what happens to my old LoTW count?
Vin, 73