G'Day Dennis,
Today I posted my SOTA list for awards tracking. There are SOTA associations being established in VK as I type, and it seems like something that would intersting to do.
While developing the script for the list I noticed ....
The name of the "unactivated" field in the lists is miss spelt. Not a big issue, but correction at some point would probably be a good thing.
Also, the position of "unactivatd" at the end of the field list, makes it hard to generate values when generating a list - one has to edit the records using Database commands. Many don't like doing that. Can the "unactivatd" field in the Lists table be moved up to just after the "deleted" field, and included in the "browse" panel of the Lists dialogue, I can then include the status in the DBF that is imported.
The SOTA list has a lot of data for each entry.
I see that the "tool tip" for the field after it is "filled" includes the specific data from the various fields for that value in the list. But - if an item is "deleted" and "unactivated", the text is cut off in the tool tip. I guess that is very rare, but could happen if a error is made registering a summit, and it is subsequently deleted before being activated.
Is it practical, do you think there is any sense, to be "linking" the List value dialogue to the log form.
Clearly there are many "lists", and fields on a log form.
The proposal is ... if a field on the log form "has focus", can the list dialogue be positioned to that value so as to display the relevent information.
None of this is urgent. Repositioning the "unactivated" field would be nice - if it can be done easily. The linking is low priority.
Peter VK4IU
Peter VK4IU
You can help by posting images of
any errors and including your
Logic version.