Attached is a list for tracking SOTA. I am interested in VK summits. Use the script listed below like this ...
Quote:gawk -f sota.awk <summitslist.csv >sota.txt
and import into Logic using Tools, Advanced, Database commands by ...
Quote:use lists
append from C:\Users\peter\Documents\Logic9-Data\sota.txt delimited with TAB
replace unactivatd with .T. for 'UNACTIVATED'$DESCR AND FIELD_NAME='SOTA'
The spelling of "unactivatd" is correct - that is actually the name of the field in the Lists table. See the Logic Enhancements forum for more details. Change the field_name of the list in the script as appropriate.
Or, import the attached DBF file into Logic using Tools, Setup, Lists of valid values. It is big - I will attempt to attached it!
This SOTA list is a "first draft". Comments and suggestions are welcome - please post to this topic. You can use the list as it stands, the "values" will not change, and any value you place on a logged QSO will not be affected by any later update or replacing of the list.
There is a lot of data for each value in the SOTA list. There are some 57,000 summits, and growing with every day that passes.
My goal was to create a list for Logic that displays some "cross reference data" when selecting the "value" on the log form. Better to get the correct one at first attempt rather than have errors creep into the log.
From the drop down list, one can see the value, the full description, and if the summit has been activated, and the last CALL to do so. Clearly this data varies in usefullness, depending on whether one is logging in real time, or updating the field from QSL cards for QSOs in the past.
After setting the value, one can point the mouse at the field on the log form and see most of the data in the SOTA List.
I have yet to use my list in earnest. There is a limit to the size of the DESCR and COMMENT fields. Do others see the data as useful? Only the Descr field is displayed when selecting a "value" from the list. Is the split of the data between the two list fields appropriate for your use? It is very easy to change.
Your input would be appreciated - for a second, and subsequent drafts.
Peter VK4IU
Quote:# Generate a list for Summits on the air from CSV downloaded at
BEGIN {FS=",";OFS="\t"; } # Set field separators - skip headers
/^SOTA Summits List \(Date=[0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+\)$/ {
match($0,/^SOTA Summits List \(Date=([0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+)\)$/,arr)
list_date = arr[1]
// { # every line in the CSV file
if (NR <= 2) { next } # Skip header lines
fieldname = "SOTA2";
value = $1
field_type = "C"
descr = $2 "," $3 "," $4
if ($15 > 0) descr = descr "; Activated " $15 " times; Last=" $17 " on " $16;
if ($15 == 0) descr = descr " UNACTIVATED @ " list_date # Date of list import is parameter to script
comment = "Pts=" $11 ";Bonus=" $12 "; From=" $13 "; To=" $14 ;
deleted = "F"
print toupper(fieldname), toupper(value), toupper(descr), toupper(field_type), toupper(comment), toupper(deleted)
File Attachment(s):
SOTA.TXT (7,729kb) downloaded 49 time(s).
SOTA.DBF (26,540kb) downloaded 26 time(s).Peter VK4IU
You can help by posting images of
any errors and including your
Logic version.