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LOGIC 9 don't upload anymore ?
#1 Posted : Tuesday, April 9, 2013 2:19:37 PM(UTC)
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Since a few days i'm not able to upload any qso's at all automaticly on EQSL and i don't know why.
Internet Explorer browser page open in blue like usual with the mention «Uploading to eQSL. Please be patient...»
but after several minutes nothing happen . I retry several time to re-upload but no luck.
Anybody have the same troubles the past ???
LoTW work alway fine just EQSL no more so well .


73's Michel VE2XK
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#2 Posted : Tuesday, April 9, 2013 4:46:17 PM(UTC)

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Just got a call about that today.

It appears that LOGic is putting trailing spaces after the callsign, causing the Log Into eQSL Using Browser to stop at the login page, because the login page complains that the input is too long.

I cannot reproduce it here naturally.

I am in the process of removing all leading and trailing spaces from the callsign and password before sending it to eQSL. Hopefully that will fix it.

Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY
#3 Posted : Saturday, April 20, 2013 1:01:32 PM(UTC)
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Good afternoon,

What's new about E-QSL ?

Any news about up loading our logic 9 into the system ?

I retried several time to re-upload but no luck.


Michel VE2TH

#4 Posted : Sunday, April 28, 2013 5:23:33 PM(UTC)

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Hi all,
a friend of mine had the same problem with eqsl.cc as it proceeds with the upload to the server. Fails to login because, oddly enough, are inserted after the CALL 10 spaces bringing the total to 16 characters while the form of eqsl.cc accepts only 15.
I do not think it can depend on eQSL because in my case it works perfectly LOTW and eQSL. The difference between me and my friend is the operating system. I use XP service pack3 and my friend has Windows7.
Wonder if this could be the problem, perhaps as a result of an update to the O.S.
I attach a screenshot if anyone wants to take a look.
File Attachment(s):
ScreenShot165.jpg (179kb) downloaded 72 time(s).
#5 Posted : Sunday, April 28, 2013 7:21:39 PM(UTC)
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Hi Mauro,

That could be. I have here Win 7 64 . This problem of uploading have something to do the last recent update of Logic 9 i think because i never had that problem early .
I using Login 9 since a good year now under WIN 7 64 and all was well untill a few week ago .
I waiting Dennis correction to be able to upload again.
73's Michel VE2XK
#6 Posted : Friday, May 3, 2013 1:49:24 PM(UTC)

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The latest update uploaded today takes care of the extra spaces.

Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY
#7 Posted : Friday, May 3, 2013 4:58:52 PM(UTC)
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Hi Dennis,

I'm sorry but problem is not resolved on my side «Uploading to eQSL. Please be patient...» and nothing uploaded

73's Michel VE2XK
#8 Posted : Saturday, May 4, 2013 3:41:32 PM(UTC)
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Hi Dennis,
i have done the updating to the v.56.
In this moment i can do login to the site eQSL,but i can't load the QSO in eQSL.There is this problem yet.
I use windows 7 64bit O.S.
I send you a sreenshot to see it.
When i give "EXPORT AND UPLOAD" is always in this situation.
File Attachment(s):
Screenshot.PNG (350kb) downloaded 65 time(s).
#9 Posted : Thursday, May 16, 2013 5:31:41 AM(UTC)

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Ok, it seems to be working here. Are you saying that it APPEARS to work in LOGic, but in fact is not uploading anything? I see nothing wrong in your screen shot.


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IZ0SGA on 5/16/2013(UTC)
#10 Posted : Thursday, May 16, 2013 7:43:08 AM(UTC)
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Hi Dennis,
yes the screen shot is ok, but the EQSL is not loading,remaining with the words:"Uploading to eQSL.To be patient".


Mauro IZ0SGA
#11 Posted : Thursday, May 16, 2013 7:47:56 AM(UTC)

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Ok, thanks. I understand. I will look into this -- I am seeing the same thing.
#12 Posted : Thursday, May 16, 2013 8:25:59 AM(UTC)
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All everything looks ok like Mauro show us on his screenshot but EQSL NOT loading and specialy NOT confirm that the upload was made like usualy must be .
Thanks for your help again.

73's Michel VE2XK
#13 Posted : Thursday, May 16, 2013 6:37:05 PM(UTC)

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Upload to eQSL has not worked for me for many months. The problem seems to be in IE and its security settings. I have tried all sorts of changes to the IE configuration, to no result. I am using Win7 (64bit) running as Administrator, and previously IE 9, and now IE 10.

Downloads work perfectly. Until this last week, I have had no problems with LOTW uploads or downloads at all.

The upload process to eQSL in Logic works properly - simply the ADI file upload to eQSL using IE fails.

I suspect the problem is in the security settings for the use of a page with active content when loaded from the local hard drive. This is usually restricted to prevent malicious content that may have found its way onto your PC. Many of us change these settings in IE or Windows when something does not work as we want. But no amount of changing the security settings in my system - returning everything to default for example - seems to change anything. I gave up on this issue long ago. The individual settings each of us may/may not have in IE and/or Windows, not mention versions of Windows and/or versions of IE, is why it works for some and not for others.

So - you may not be aware that ...

I follow the process for eQSL in Logic, and answer yes to the "Mark records uploaded" dialogue.

The QSOs to be uploaded to eQSL (or LOTW) are placed by Logic in ...Logic/tmp/eQSLQSOs.ADI or LOTWQSOs.ADI.

Immediately after using the process in Logic, I simply log into eQSL.CC and use the Log/Outbox menu, selecting "Upload ADIF log". I then browse to the logic/tmp/eQSLQSOs.ADI file and process it on eQSL.

Yes - we probably should not have to do that manually.

Clearly there needs to be more testing of the process at eQSL, and at ARRL with LOTW, before they let new changes loose. To be fair, it is unreasonable to expect ARRL, or eQSL, to be testing each and every piece of amateur radio logging software in existance. But I do think they can all do a better job when change is needed. Change and PCs and the Internet is about "when" not "if".

It is argueably more reasonable to expect that we all know how to run the upload process manually - using the mechanisms provided on the respective web sites - when our "automated efforts" don't proceed as expected. I certainly do not mean that one should upload 20,000 QSOs just to upload the newset 20, or for changes to a select few QSOs.

Peter VK4IU
Peter VK4IU
You can help by posting images of any errors and including your Logic version.
1 user thanked vk4iu for this useful post.
WN4AZY on 5/16/2013(UTC)
#14 Posted : Sunday, June 2, 2013 10:53:42 AM(UTC)
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It's just a notice that the Upload problem previously descripted continu to be not resolved with version 9.0.58 or since this discussion
have start .

73's Michel VE2XK
#15 Posted : Sunday, June 2, 2013 4:32:40 PM(UTC)
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Hello to all,
I confirm the above post posted by Michel v.058 with the problem is still present! 73's de IZ0SGA.
#16 Posted : Sunday, June 2, 2013 8:12:43 PM(UTC)

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Sorry I did not address it (eQSL upload) in .58. It was a rush job to fix the ADIF problem.


#17 Posted : Thursday, July 11, 2013 9:22:13 AM(UTC)
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I just upgraded from Logic 8 to 9 about two weeks ago. I'm having the eQSL upload problem. Actually it appears that my last good upload to eQSL was on March 23 using Logic 8 and all of the later uploads using Logic 8 until my recent upgrade didn't work either. :( I'm having to edit a thousand QSOs to try and upload them again. Logic 9 puts up the "Please be patient" screen and then asks if you want to mark the QSOs as processed. I stupidly said "yes" thinking the upload must have worked. It didn't. I guess the link just timed out or something. With eQSL downloads I can log into the eQSL site manually and then the downloads work correctly. If I try to log in manually and then upload I get a non-recoverable error in Logic 9. Any progress on this one?? Thanks, Bryce K7UA
#18 Posted : Thursday, July 11, 2013 10:03:50 AM(UTC)

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Yeah, I'm working on it. It's not the site timing out -- they changed what they expect to be sent. It's all set up to be handled by a web browser. Emulating that in a low-level API is a bit difficult.

I'm having to edit a thousand QSOs to try and upload them again.... I said "yes" thinking the upload must have worked. It didn't.

You don't need to do a lot of work to fix this. Just export your whole log or a date range to ADIF, and upload it to eQSL thru their web interface.


#19 Posted : Thursday, July 11, 2013 10:10:51 AM(UTC)
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Thank you. I can do that. Frankly, I don't use eQSL for anything myself, but others like getting the confirmations so I try to oblige. Thanks again & 73, Bryce K7UA
#20 Posted : Tuesday, January 7, 2014 12:24:59 PM(UTC)
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Logic 9 still does not update to Eqsl. I keep getting the be patient message. I am current running update 61
Please help
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