G'Day All.
Attached are files that represent Lists of "valid values" for my use in Logic. I use Logic 9.
JCC.DBF, JCG.DBF and KU.DBF - Japanese cities, guns, Ku list. See
http://www.jarl.or.jp/English/4_Library/A-4-5_jcc-jcg/jcc-list.txt and
http://www.jarl.or.jp/English/4_Library/A-4-2_Awards/Award_Main.htmEAP.DBF - Spanish Provinces. See
SPPA.DBF - Polish counties or powiat. See
SPW.DBF - Polish regions or wojewodztwo.
DD.DBF - German Districts. Initial letter of the DOK code.
DOK.DBF - German DOK. Data extracted from several sources. See
OKD.DBF - Czech districts. Note that because of the "non-english characters" some characters will appear as ?.
OKC.DBF - Czech counties. Note that because of the "non-english characters" some characters will appear as ?.
VKS.DBF - Australian Shires. There have been big changes to this list in the past few years. The list is from the Worked All VK Shires contest - VK works the world.
RBA.DBF - Russian Baltic Award. See
The list names are short so as not to consume too much space in the limited space of USERFIEDS - a 254 character limit
Some of these lists are provided with Logic. I have rebuilt these lists for my needs and to reflect the latest updates. My lists sometimes include data in the description fields of each record for cross check purposes. One can see the material in the dropdown box for the field on a log form when processing a QSL card.
The lists are ready to be imported into Logic.
Open the Lists form from Awards, Setup, Awards lists--DXCC, etc
If you want to save your exiting list, double click on its CODE in the list to the right of the Lists form, and export the list to a file of your choice. Or, rename the list, using the buttons provided. If you rename the list, think about whether nor not you need to rename the associated USERFIELD as well.
Download the attached file to a folder of your choice on your PC.
To import an attached list, click "Import list", and navigate to the file you downloaded above.
You should now have an updated or perhaps new list.
Please see the Logic Help for detailed instructions on what to do next. In the Help Contents look for Awards Tracking and Progress.
If you have already setup JCC/JCG for example, the new data, for new QSL cards, will appear automatically.
Special Note: My JCC list contains LEADING ZEROS - what usually appears on QSL cards. The original JCC list has no leading zero for numbers below 1000 - 102 as compared to my list 0102 SAPPORO (HOKKAIDO)). If you import my list, your data will still be in UESRFIELDS, but will not be shown in a JCC field on the LOG form as you browse your QSOs. You can use Data Commands, Mass Change, Replace User-defined field contents to add the leading zero to old data.
For those less familiar with what to do next, in summary, you will need to the following.
In Awards, Setup, User-defined fields setup, create a user-defined field, with the same name as the list, to hold the data you enter from your QSL cards, and mark this new field as "Edit using list table".
On the Awards panel, mark the field - "Track Awards for this field", and other boxes as appropriate.
On a log form of your choice, click the "butler", and add this new user field to the form.
Update at least ONE QSO record from your QSL cards with the indicated value from the list, using the userfield dropdown you placed on the log form.
Then use Awards, Update Awards Progress Info.
Then, open Awards, Progress List, select the award (list name and USERFIELD name) . Click NEXT.
For JCC ... you should see that there are 812 total JCC entries and your progress listed below. There are actually 909 JCC entries in the list, but 97 are actually "deleted" entries. 812+97 = 909.
If you find any mistakes that I have made, if you know where to find a good explanation of JCCs, JCGs, Kus, Prefectures, JA call areas, and their relationships, please post a reply. I am curious why some JAs nominate a JCC, some a JCG, still others a KU, on the their cards. Yet all the numbers seem related.
I appreciate any contribution to my efforts.
Peter VK4IU
Peter VK4IU
You can help by posting images of
any errors and including your
Logic version.