I did some more work on this. The changes are in the new 10.0.18 update.
Quote:- Export and Upload QSOs to LoTW, the QSO Date Range window opens in another monitor
These now default is to position to the center of the monitor that contains most of the main LOGic window. However, it remembers the last position, so you may not see any change. Move it to the monitor you want it on, and it should stay there.
Quote:- Backup/restore, the compress/uncompress window opens in another monitor
Quote:- Help > About, the About LOGic window opens in another monitor (not a big issue)
Also, you should be able to rearrange or remove monitors, and windows whose title bar off-screen and not visible in any monitor should now move to the closest monitor and display enough of the title bar so you can grab it and move the window.
If the main LOGic window's title bar is found to be inaccessible, the main window will be centered and sized to the main monitor.
Tnx for your patience on this.
If anyone sees any other problems, please reply here.
Tnx & 73,