Yes the limit really is 254. Its a limit imposed by Visual FoxPro and the way the data types are defined. It cannot be increased.
Dennis removed any extra spaces from the "separator" some time ago.
The only way to get as much data in as possible is to abbreviate the data for each user field - that is keep the user names themselves small, and the data abbreviated as much possible if you have control of the data.
You can rename a user fields easily in Tools, Setup Log Fields, and shorten any user data you have control over by using Tools, Advanced Database Commands to change the data in all instances of a user field.
Also use a LOG Filter and Edit the filter to LEN(ALLTRIM(USERFIELDS))>240, and Count records, to keep any eye on any QSOs that get close to the limit.
Peter VK4IU
You can help by posting images of
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Logic version.