I'm having to use the legacy driver (thanks for including that!) on a 756 PRO. The new 756 PRO driver (configured identically) causes the program to crash with no error than " has experienced an internal error"
or words close to that. Tried other drivers and none worked. To regain control of the program I had to edit RADIO9.INI and return radio 1 to stock (no radio). Best case scenario was that with RTS turned off the program could see the radio but not control it. I am using a SIIG 4 port serial card (there are two of them in my computer and they have been working for years) with the serial to ICOM cable purchased from Hosenose back in the day of Logic 5.
The legacy appears to work fine.
Ben N6FM
Thought I'd try Omni-rig. Well, that didn't work either in that it took several seconds to change frequency and it always put me on CW-reverse or RTTY-reverse. Back to the tried and true legacy 756 driver. that one works.
Originally Posted by: WN4AZY W0OJ: Well I know that the 7800 with the new ROM works -- reads splits and all. What sort of hardware interface do you have?
Both: Also, check that polling is OFF, or if you need polling, that it is set to something not too short. Start with 2 seconds. Also try changing stop bit settings.
If LOGic 8 worked, the LEGACY drivers in LOGic 9 should work too. They are provided to support rigs that do not yet have drivers written in the new platform, but looks like they may solve compatibility issues too.
I don't know if this is helpful or not:
Tnx & 73,
Dennis WN4AZY