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LOGic 9 Program Update -- new features and fixes
#68 Posted : Thursday, May 16, 2013 7:33:57 AM(UTC)

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May 16, 2013 9.0.57

  • Changed LoTW to accommodate changes to the ARRL server
  • Data forms (including log forms), {Ctrl+Home} jumps to the first field of the form.
  • By default, decimals are no longer displayed in the Power field. There is a new option in Log/Setup to control the format of the power field. If you have entered fractional watts with any of your QSOs, please click Log/Setup and change the Fractional Watts setting.

    This setting does not affect how data is stored, and may be changed at will. Turning off the decimal does not change fractional entries in the database. However, the fractional part will not be displayed until you re-enable decimals.
2 users thanked WN4AZY for this useful post.
KA1J on 5/16/2013(UTC), KD4VRZ on 5/16/2013(UTC)
#71 Posted : Monday, May 27, 2013 8:04:49 PM(UTC)

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May 27, 2013 9.0.58

Fixes bug introduced in 9.0.57 that caused error on ADIF import.

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logic9update58.exe (3,178kb) downloaded 460 time(s).
3 users thanked WN4AZY for this useful post.
KA1J on 5/27/2013(UTC), KD4VRZ on 5/28/2013(UTC), OZ4CG on 8/14/2013(UTC)
#83 Posted : Thursday, June 27, 2013 1:38:43 PM(UTC)

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Strange -- I can't anymore....
#84 Posted : Thursday, July 4, 2013 12:18:57 PM(UTC)
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Just upgraded TSQL to 1.14.1 (LOGic at 9.0.58) on WinXP SP3.
No problems with LoTW or eSQL. Of course, eQSL has never
dealt with calls that are mobile (like county hunters) so
I must remember to NOT add them.

Happy 4th, Don, W2ZI
#85 Posted : Saturday, July 13, 2013 4:22:19 PM(UTC)
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After upgrading to 9.0.58 LOGic started ok but after a min or so the application hung Task manager reported that all LOGic window were not responding. reverted to 9.0.34 , uninstall reinstall, tried it again same thing, also tried 9.0.47 seamed to work ok but the spot log was not updating from a telnet. Reinstalled back to 9.0.34. 9.0.34 has the problem with QRZ login.

Any Ideas?

#86 Posted : Thursday, July 18, 2013 10:33:29 AM(UTC)

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For the spotting problem and hanging, check this out -- the timing fits.


Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY
#72 Posted : Wednesday, August 14, 2013 10:19:42 AM(UTC)
Carsten Gjessing

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Originally Posted by: WN4AZY Go to Quoted Post
May 27, 2013 9.0.58

Fixes bug introduced in 9.0.57 that caused error on ADIF import.

Hi, Dennis!
This was very helpfull!! Thank you again!
Vy 73 carsten /OZ4CG
#87 Posted : Wednesday, August 28, 2013 7:15:01 AM(UTC)

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People have been having trouble finding the updates, so I have locked this thread so only PDA can post to it. This thread is now just for posts from PDA.

If you want to discuss an update, please start a new thread in the LOGic Forum > LOGIc Updates > LOGic 9 Updates

Tnx & 73,

Dennis WN4AZY
#88 Posted : Tuesday, September 3, 2013 10:45:44 PM(UTC)

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9.0.59 Sept 3, 2013

  • You may now enter your own entries in the Prefix table, and flag them as USER. These flagged records will not be overwritten when you update. There is a new checkbox on the Prefix form. See below for an explanation on how it handles lookup of user vs factory records.

    NOTE: Please please please continue to post any changes needed by the prefix table so we can keep the master product updated.

  • Interface for Easy Rotor with polling to read the current heading. Not tested.

  • Fixed problem with cursor not going to the end of the Time fields when tabbing to them. Also, will now go to the next-to-last character in a field that is completely filled, like the {End} key does. Previously it would just go to the beginning of the field.

  • QSO Date now updateable via the LOGic COM interface.

  • ADIF import now imports user-defined fields in the compact format which saves space in the userfields bucket.

PDA updates the prefix table regularly. Prefix table updates are included with the program updates. Installation of the prefix table update is optional.
When installing the prefix table update, the entire table is normally replaced with the update. However, you may enter your own entries and keep them from being overwritten during an update by checkmarking User Supplied Entry.

How do the user-supplied entries merge with the factory entries? If there is a matching factory entry and user entry of the same length, the user entry will be used.

Here is the search sequence for the hypothetical call QR0ABC:

QR0ABC user
QR0ABC factory
QR0AB user
QR0AB factory
QR0A user
QR0A factory
QR0A user
QR0 factory
QR0 user
QR0 factory
QR user
QR factory
Q user
Q factory

If your user entries are seemingly being ignored: Note that if you made a user entry for QR0, and there was a factory entry for QR0A, the factory entry would be used.

Please help us and other LOGic users by sending PDA any prefix table changes that you find so that we may keep our master table up-to-date.
#89 Posted : Monday, September 23, 2013 10:45:01 PM(UTC)

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9.0.60 Sept. 22, 2013

Fixes to LOGic COM (Common Object Model) interface "Variable VARTYPE not found".

Logic's Common Object Model interface is used by MixW and other programs.
File Attachment(s):
logic9update60.exe (3,178kb) downloaded 672 time(s).
#90 Posted : Friday, December 6, 2013 5:48:50 PM(UTC)

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9.0.61 Dec 6 2013

Misc fixes, new prefix table.

Dec 26 2013

Updates to the install program to resolve this problem
'OLE error code 0x800a139b: unknown COM status code'
discussed here:

If you are having this problem, please download this update again and run it.

If that doesn't fix it, please go into the data folder inside the LOGic install folder (typically c:\program files (x86)\logic) and delete prefix.dbf. Then run this update again.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas.


Dennis WN4AZY
File Attachment(s):
logic9update61.exe (3,178kb) downloaded 510 time(s).
2 users thanked WN4AZY for this useful post.
W7OO on 12/7/2013(UTC), kf4bq on 1/1/2014(UTC)
#91 Posted : Monday, April 7, 2014 1:20:41 PM(UTC)

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9.0.62 Apr 7, 2014

  • Handle more spotting modes based on the contents of the spot comment. Previous to this release, LOGic would spot RTTY if the spot comment contains RTTY or RYRY. This concept has been made user-configurable to handle any mode. There are new fields in tools/setup/modes. In SPOT MODE, enter the value you want to occur in Comment to trigger this mode. Note that there are now two records for RTTY: RTTY and RYRY. And there is a checkbox to disable spotting of each mode.

    Here is an example of what will happen under different scenarios. Let's use AMTOR for our example. If you enter nothing for SPOT MODE, LOGic will continue to process the spot based on the frequency band specified in the Band table. In other words, having AMTOR in the comment field will have no effect.

    If you enter AMTOR for SPOT MODE, but do not checkmark SPOT?, the mode will be recognized as AMTOR, but it will not be spotted. The spot will only show if SHOW ALL SPOTS is checkmarked.

    If you enter AMTOR for SPOT MODE, and checkmark SPOT?, the QSO will be spotted if needed. The actual mode will be AMTOR, and the awards tracking mode will be DATA. AMTOR will now behave just like RTTY has always behaved.

    The SPOT RTTY checkmark has been removed from the spot log. Disable RTTY and RYRY in Tools/Setup/Modes if you do not want RTTY to be spotted.

    You may also disable spotting of CW, USB, and LSB using the SPOT? checkmark. (These modes are detected based on frequency). This is a way in addition to modifying the band table to enable and disable modes. Modes with spotting turned off in the Modes table will still show if SHOW ALL is checkmarked.

  • Uses different MSXML interface to hopefully resolve a ACCESS DENIED issue that a few customers have been experiencing when using the QRZ Subscription or HamQTH callbooks. We could not reproduce it, but this is reported to solve the problem, and definitely didn't break anything here.

9.0.63 Apr 22, 2014

Fixed problem with special characters in password for QRZ subscription, introduced with new MSXML library in .62. If you have .62 and not having problems with callbook login on QRZ subscription or HamQTH, there is no need to download this.
File Attachment(s):
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#92 Posted : Thursday, May 1, 2014 9:35:54 PM(UTC)

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9.0.64 May 1, 2014

  • Fixes problem with callbook window opening when adding a QSO with callbook lookup is turned off.
  • Fixes problem with live prefix lookup (Info window and others update with every keystroke as you enter call) getting "stuck" on some countries.
File Attachment(s):
logic9update64.exe (3,181kb) downloaded 427 time(s).
#93 Posted : Tuesday, June 3, 2014 7:08:08 AM(UTC)

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9.0.65 June 3, 2014

  • Fix QRZ.COM callbook interface.
  • Callsign field in callbook window no longer clears after doing a lookup. This permits you to manually choose a different callbook without having to type in the call.
  • Improved the spot-handling of the TRX-Manager interface.
Handles attachments
logic9update65.exe (3,180kb) downloaded 413 time(s).
#94 Posted : Thursday, August 7, 2014 1:13:59 PM(UTC)

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9.0.66 Aug 7, 2014

  • Set Clock to NIST rewritten and seems reliable now. It now uses NTP protocol.

    When automatically setting the clock, the notification now appears in an alert box with an automatic 5-second timeout. Logic continues to load in the background.

  • Fix for Buckmaster Hamcall DVD. This has not been tested. Please let me know if it works or not and what error message you get if any.
File Attachment(s):
logic9update66.exe (3,183kb) downloaded 348 time(s).
#95 Posted : Sunday, September 7, 2014 9:08:53 PM(UTC)

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9.0.70 Sept. 8, 2014

  • Fixes eQSL uploading.
  • Fixes report writer errors when spot log is open.
  • Fixes Buckmaster HamCall CD lookup (tested).
  • Show QSO Count in Other QSOs window.
  • Generic import for Lists table.

    You may now import tab-delimited or comma-delimited text files into Lists of Valid Values.

    Preparing your file:

    The file may be as simple as a text file with each value to be imported on a separate line.

    If you want to import multiple columns, your text file must have column headers on the first line. Here is a list of allowable column headers:


    Spaces and special characters in the column headers are ignored. For example, FIELD NAME, FIELD_NAME, FIELD-NAME and FIELDNAME are all acceptable.

    The only column that is required is VALUE.

    The FIELDNAME, if specified, should have the same value on every record. It determines the default name of the field in the lists table. It may be changed to whatever you like.

    Logical values such as DELETED may be specified with YES, Y, TRUE, T, or .T. for True values. Anything else is imported as False.

    See Generic Import in Help for more info on preparing your data. This new feature uses the same import engine as the generic Log import.

    To run the import, go to Tools/Setup/List of Valid Values and click Import.

    If the list already exists, you have to option to append/update the current list, or replace it entirely with the imported list.

    This new form may also be used to import the .DBF files made by the Export button. There is no special preparation to do. You now have two new options when importing: The ability to change the field name, and the option to append/update the existing list. Before, it would always use the same field name that was exported, and always replaced the existing list.

If you downloaded 9.0.67 or .68 or .69, please get this update. It fixes some issues with lists import and the spot log.
File Attachment(s):
logic9update70.exe (3,194kb) downloaded 487 time(s).
4 users thanked WN4AZY for this useful post.
w2zi on 9/7/2014(UTC), IK0CHU on 9/8/2014(UTC), EI6FM on 9/11/2014(UTC), KA1J on 9/21/2014(UTC)
#96 Posted : Thursday, October 23, 2014 10:47:00 AM(UTC)

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9.0.71 Oct 23, 2014

Fixes problem of LoTW uploads failing. Note that, provided the server is up, it IS actually uploading, but LOGic doesn't detect this because the confirmation message sent back from LoTW removes the backslashes from the filename.

Also note that as of today, there are numerous outages and changes going on at the LoTW server.

File Attachment(s):
logic9update71.exe (3,195kb) downloaded 1,020 time(s).
3 users thanked WN4AZY for this useful post.
NA9A on 10/23/2014(UTC), IK0CHU on 10/25/2014(UTC), kf4ucf on 11/15/2014(UTC)
#97 Posted : Monday, March 30, 2015 11:24:13 AM(UTC)

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*EQSL picture download will now retrieve pictures that have been previously downloaded then deleted. Download the QSOs with the missing pictures, then click the DOWNLOAD ALL EQSL QSLs button.

*Fixed problem with University or Arkansas at Little Rock callbook interface. It was returning previous holders of some callsigns.
File Attachment(s):
logic9update72.exe (3,335kb) downloaded 732 time(s).
2 users thanked WN4AZY for this useful post.
k2cys on 4/22/2015(UTC), OZ4CG on 5/24/2015(UTC)
#98 Posted : Saturday, September 26, 2015 9:38:21 PM(UTC)

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If you installed 90.74 or 9.0.75 or 9.0.76, please install this to fix LoTW and other issues. Thanks


Oct 2, 2015

  • Utilizes the Cty database (http://www.country-files.com/) for lookup of stations whose DXCC cannot be determined from the callsign prefix. The current edition (September 11) has 6,956 calls. You may test with these calls: KI4HCZ PE1NCS/LH YU4WU.

    LOGic continues to use its own prefix table for prefix-based lookup. Its wildcard matching provides lookup to regions within a country and makes handling of various Russian prefixes possible. There is a new MASTER field in the Prefix screen. This tells LOGic which prefix record to use for DXCC info when using a callsign found in the Cty database.

    You may continue to put individual calls in the LOGic prefix database as always. They will be searched before searching the Cty database. Hold the mouse over the DXCC prefix to see what LOGic used to find the appropriate prefix record.

    The prefix lookup code has been totally redone in .Net 4.0 for speed and simplicity. Your system must have both .Net 2 and .Net 4 installed. Most systems do. Previous versions of LOGic used just .Net 2.

    You can get .Net 4 here:

  • Logging of multiple grid squares per QSO.

    This change is actually not specific to grid squares. It is now theoretically possible to set LOGic up to track multiple values for any award. States or even DXCC countries for example.

    To track multiple grid squares with this release, some setup will be required. Please Perform the following steps:

    1. Go to tools/misc utilities/change size of log fields. Make the GRID field bigger. To store four 4-character grids, you will need 19 characters. If you want to store four 6-character grid squares, you will need 27 characters. I don't know that anyone would want to do that, but if you do....

    2. Go to Tools/Setup/Log Fields and navigate to GRID. On the Field Info page, look for the new DELIMITER FOR MULTIPLE AWARD VALUES. Enter a comma. This field will be moving to the Awards tab.

    3. Navigate to the CQFIELD field. Change CALCULATED FIELD EXPRESSION to

    LEFTDELIM(GRID, 2, ",")

    4. Navigate to the FFMA field. Change CALCULATED FIELD EXPRESSION to

    LEFTDELIM(GRID, 4, ",")

    Log a single grid square as usual. If you log two or four grid squares, separate them with a comma

  • Uses the upload feature of the new TQSL.EXE to upload LoTW QSOs. Please install the latest TQSL software: https://lotw.arrl.org/lotw-help/installation/

  • Attempting to set clock to NIST when not connected to the internet is handled gracefully.

  • Better handling of errors in QRZ Subscription when the server is down or you are not connected to the internet.

  • Better error reporting

File Attachment(s):
logic9update77.exe (7,370kb) downloaded 284 time(s).
1 user thanked WN4AZY for this useful post.
wa4pgm on 10/2/2015(UTC)
#99 Posted : Tuesday, October 6, 2015 8:11:08 PM(UTC)

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  • Fixed error PFXOBJ NOT AN OBJECT error when receiving a syntactically-invalid call (not a mixture of letters and numbers basically).

  • Added Tx Freq to log browse form.

  • Fixed Duplicate Record functionality of Prefix form.
File Attachment(s):
logic9update79.exe (7,372kb) downloaded 562 time(s).
4 users thanked WN4AZY for this useful post.
KD0PO on 10/6/2015(UTC), KA1J on 10/8/2015(UTC), K1VC on 10/9/2015(UTC), N5VR on 10/18/2015(UTC)
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