The attached is an update to the standard report "all band and mode progress report" that is shipped with LOGic9. You can safely put these files in the standard Logic/report folder, an underline has been added to the report name.
It has been made for my personal circumstances. Feed back on your success, or otherwise with the report, would be appreciated.
There has been no change to the logic (please excuse the pun) of the report. The changes are purely cosmetic - but you may still be interested.
This report assumes that "Update Awards Progress" has been run. That is, the extended values for the award have been updated in the Lists database for all awards.
The report asks for an award tag or value, DXCC, JCC, RDA etc, any sub-award, and extracts the data from the Lists database into a temporary table. The report runs against this temporary table.
From the report description ...
Quote:This is a multi-band awards report. On one sheet, it shows the progress for all bands and all modes.
It DOES NOT show progress for all band-mode combinations. This would require a 3-dimensional piece of paper! To get progress for a band-mode combination, use AWARDS.REP.
Unlike other LOGic awards progress reports, this report relies on the Awards Table. It uses the same info as the online tracking. Therefore, the award must be tracked either as a regular award entered in the awards table, or as a non-edited award. The awards table progress info must be up-to-date.
This report shows a maximum of 14 bands and 5 modes. The bands displayed are the first 14 bands in the band table. The modes are the first 5 modes entered in General Ham Setup. LOGic 3 customers may modify a copy of this report to report additional bands and/or modes. For instance, you may want to make a report that shows bands 15 thru 30 and modes 6 thru 10.
The changes are:
To save paper - Change layout to be single line, and decrease the space allocated to bands, and increase the space for the award values and descriptions. Allow for long award values - suppress the description if the award value is too long.
Expand the space for the Mode headings so they show correctly. Increase the width of the totals fields to allow for larger numbers.
Expand the space for the Band headings in the summary so they show correctly.
Peter VK4IU
You can help by posting images of
any errors and including your
Logic version.