I had the issue of having multiple pipes in USERFIELDS for several entries, CONT, VE PROV, and OBLAST. I suspected something with several of the contest logforms as I didnt have any issues with non-contest QSO entries. So, this weekend I made a few Q's in the ARRL VHF Contest and the result was multiple pipes again being entered in USERFIELDS, in this case CONT:NA|||||. The contest logform I used was ARRL VHF, and I found in set-up under "Copy from prefix table" an expression for continent "IIF(DXCC_PFX = GLOBAL.MY_DXCC,"",MAKE_TAG("CONT:",CONTINENT))
+ " " + LEFT(LOCATION,AT("|",LOCATION))" So, I think the tail end of that expression is where the issue is. I deleted + " " + LEFT(LOCATION,AT("|",LOCATION)). Logging the next QSO I got CONT:NA|, without the additional pipes added. In other logforms I see the expression MAKE_TAG("CONT:",CONTINENT) used but not with the tail end + " " + LEFT(LOCATION,AT...stuff. I get the IIF statement, but not the tail end of the expression.
de Brad