Hi all.
I've been trying to fill in the band/mode combinations on DXCC. I leave 'Progress 1' open (set to DXCC). When checking
a particular call, if I notice I have a W on any combination. Double click it, go to the call and see if I can track
down a route and get a card.
I can use 'Progress list' on the Awards menu but it does not list the call. I have used the AWARDS report and run it
several times to get the 'W' QSOs on 160 ,80, etc.
I would like to get/write a single report that would tell me QSOs I worked and need but did not request.
QRZ.COM is then really helpful as they tend to have email addresses for the call or manager. Several I've checked turn
out to be SK or just not-in-log but at least I mark them 'I' and the spot log again shows needed.
Thanks and 73s,
Donald King