I'm mostly a VHF'er but I managed to pay homage to HF this past weekend and worked Single Op in the contest. I very much enjoy contesting but I'm no super station nor am I a triple digit qso rate guy. I did manage to search-and-pounce out 411 Q's with my modest station, but what's worth noting is LOGic performed FLAWLESSLY !! Not a single hick-up, burp, sputter, fart, error, or crash. Q after Q it wouldn't quit, no fatal errors, no "LOGic has stopped working and needs to shut down"...as Jackie Gleason used to say...HOW SWEET IT IS !!! LOGic controlled the rig and rotor, heck I didn't even have to look at them...spin the mouse wheel and travel up and down the bands, click for short path, long path, change VFO's, change bands, dupe check, show me previous Qso's, log the contact, show me my score, export the contest to ADIF, upload my Q's to LoTW, download my QSL's and allow me to customize reports seven ways to Sunday...all in the space of a 24" monitor.....nice!
SO, Thanks Dennis !!! There still isn't a better program anywhere else!!
73, de Brad N8GLS