Ok, it's just a cosmetic error.
Zaire isn't really deleted. There was apparently just a name change, no countries have been deleted or anything.
Think of DXCC countries in terms of the numbers that ARRL assigns. Here is the official DXCC list,
and here are the relevant records:
9Q-9T* Dem. Rep. of Congo AF 52 36 414
TN(31) Congo (Republic of the) AF 52 36 412
The last number is the DXCC identifier.
In LOGic, go to tools/setup/list of valid values.
Click the DXCC list, click the binoculars and enter 9Q for VALUE. Change the description from Zaire to DEM. REP. OF CONGO. TN just has CONGO, so I changed that to CONGO (REPUBLIC OF THE) to be consistent with ARRL.
The prefix list is fine, but you can can change CONGO to CONGO (REPUBLIC OF THE) just to be absolutely the best.
I'll change our master copy and it will find its way into a tables update.
Tnx & 73,