Hi Joe,
The terminal keys can be confusing. One expects them to be defined in the terminal itself - but they are not.
Logic is a very powerfull, flexible tool for QSO logging. One can have multiple Log Forms open at once. If you have several radios, or work different DX, you can have a form open for each radio, or each DXCC entity you hear on the air.
A terminal/telnet session can be related to each and every different Log form - and you can have several terminal sessions open at once.
The Telnet keys are defined in the log form, and can be different for each and every log form. One can tailor the system to exactly what your complex needs might be.
Open your log form, click on Log, at the top left, and then Setup.
The keys are defined in the Termincal Func Keys panel, and the specific Telnet session to be asociated with the Log Form on the Rig, Rotor and Terminal Panel.
To get started keep things very simply. On the Terminal Func Keys panel, for key 1, type TEST in the description panel and "test" in the Expression panel - the quotes are required. In the Rig,Rotor, and Terminal panel make sure Telnet1 is checked. Click OK to exit the setup.
You should now notice that the Terminal button at the top of your form is no longer grey, and when you click on it Key 1 is listed as TEST. If you click on 1 Test, Logic will complain that Telnet 1 is NOT open. So go open it with Forms, Telnet1. The keys work from the Log Form, as well as the Telnet session itself.
To use the keys, do all the usual things to open Telnet session 1 - Forms, Telnet1 - and login etc etc. The macro will not work until a session is actually in use.
Clearly TEST is not going to get you too far, but hopefully you can see how it all works.
Now reread the help, and apply something more meaningful to the keys. The appropriate help is at Advanced Features, Data Terminal and Packet Cluster Interface.
Initially, keep it all very simple, progress in small steps. Program your call sign, a simple telnet command, and slowly progress to more complicated "expressions" for the keys. Simple commands must be coded as a text expression - "VK4IU" or "DX".
As you progress, you can create more compicated "expressions" to make the macros function "in context", that is, take into account "what you are doing" at the time you press the Key button.
I hope I have helped in some small way.
Peter VK4IU
Peter VK4IU
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