Hi Dennis,
I had never seen the mode mapping screen before and did not know how to use it until you pointed it out in your reply. I did some playing around and mapped RTTY to RTTY rather than Data (I did an Awards/Update). That did not solve the problem either (the RTTY column still showed as zero). I remapped it to DATA and did an Awards/Update. I was back to where I started.
I then went back and looked at the Awards/Reports/DXCC report again. I have attached a snip of that report to this email.
What I discovered is that in light gray in the upper right corner of the report I am getting credit for RTTY QSLs received under the Data mode. In the near center of the report under the RTTY column (which is in dark black)I am not receiving credit for the RTTY contacts. I suspect that they are mapped to DATA and that is why they don't appear in this column.
Is there a way to change that column from RTTY to DATA? I guess what I really need to know is how to use the RTTY column in the report.
Thank you,