I am learning....slowly
I found a DBF manager (free trial program) and fixed all the county abbreviations and saved it.
Here's what I see:
In the CNTY.dbf file there is a column with Field_Name and CNTY in every row.
The data in the column VALUE has the correct county name listed as ST,CountyName, the field type is C, and for the TX counties there is the 3 or 4 letter abbreviation in the MISC column.
Before I import it to LOGic, I'd like to understand what the import will do.
In logic I have many entries from imported ADIF logs that placed those 3/4 letter county abbreviations in the CNTY field.
1. Will importing this CNTY.DBF change them from the abbreviation to the proper TX,county for that abbreviation?
(I'd like this for county awards tracking)
2. If the import needs to be undone, how do I do that?
3. For future TX QSO party ADIF imports, what happens when ADIF contains the CNTY field with the abbeviations?
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