I have run into a problem trying to import contacts from eQSL. I am currently running 10.0.14.
After selecting the "import eQSL QSLs" and selecting "Open eQSL site in browser" I get the error in the eqsl Open eQSL site in browser error.jpg file.
After I restart LOGic, from the "import eQSL QSLs" and selecting "Import directly from web" I get the error in the eqsl Import directly from web error.jpg file.
Also noticed that when hovering on the Open eQSL site in browser box the text refers to LOTW instead of eQSL.
Exporting does not appear to have any problems. Looks like I don't need to open the browser first which seems kind of weird but the QSOs all get uploaded as expected. When doing the export I never see the website open in Edge.
Is there a special sequence that needs to be done to allow importing from eQSL? I have been able to do it before but then it stopped working.