Hi Brad:
GetUserField() works with LOGic 10, and does consider both Userfields and Userflds2. So no problem with it at all.
The same old problem exists with GetUserField() as before. It cannot work with
multiple-type reports. So no change here either really. The only change is that when you use Tag_val(), you have to pass both userfields to it.
Note that GetUserField() WILL work with reports that are not Multiple. And will work with no change between 9 and 10. The only issue is that GetUserField() will not work for fields that are not named USERFIELDS and USERFLDS2. That is why it won't work for mutiple-type reports. (You could actually use it for the first label, but that just further confuses things IMO.)
Hope that all makes sense 🙂.
Quote:Is the && main record necessary ??
No. It is just a comment.
Tnx & 73,
Dennis WN4AZY