No problem David, glad you got power now (hi hi) !!
Brad, K8ZM
Brad, Thanks so much for the reply, it was exactly what I was looking for when a log entry form was added for a new QSO. 73's, David, K1MT
Hi Dave, hope you are well !!
If you're looking to have the power entered automatically for each QSO you can define it globally, i.e., the same power level for every QSO, or you could define different power levels based on multiple criteria by using an expression.
If globally, you can define a default power by navigating to Tools, Setup, Station Information. In the Station Info form select the tab "Your address and station info" and at the bottom right (next to where it says "Enter default transmitted power. This is entered into the log screen") enter your desired level in the box.
If different power levels based on a criteria, In your logform navigate to the top left, select Log, Setup then select the tab Defaults. An expression can be entered for the field PWR, i.e., I run 300w on 2m but only 100w on the HF bands so I have an expression that will enter 300 when the band is 2m but defaults to whatever was entered in the Station Info form (100 in my case) for any other band.
Also search on "power" in help for lots more info.
Let me know if that helps,
73, Brad K8ZM
Is there a way to define a default power value for a new QSO and if so, how is this accomplished? David, K1MT