I wouldn't go back to June. Worst case, put in the latest LOGic 9 update.
Quote:I don't quite understand what you were suggesting when you said "Download and retain the file. Exit Logic and then run the update." I'm not sure what file I should download and retain, or where I should download it from. Also, the update is run from logic, so I'm not sure what you mean by exit logic and run the update.
Right, the update is normally run from within LOGic. But since LOGic won't run, you want to just download the update file and run it by double-clicking it. Like you used to have to update LOGic before the updates were built-in.
So, since you can't run LOGic, go to the Windows Start menu and look for the LOGic Updater under LOGic. There is a checkbox in the lower righthand corner of the updater that says RETAIN FILE AFTER INSTALLATION. Checkmark it. Now download 10.0.1 and 9.21.4. When the updates start to run, just Cancel. There will be two files on your Windows desktop named LOGicUpdate_10.0.1.exe and LOGicUpdate_9.21.4.exe
You can double-click the 9.21.4 and it should roll things back to where you were before installing 10.
You can try to reinstall 10 and note the error message.
I WOULD TRY DISABLING ANY VIRUS CHECKER before doing this. If it fails, just put 9.21.4 back.
I am out of town but should be back this evening. I will try to call you.
Dennis WN4AZY